1972 Demon Build

Not my garage. I do ok on selling parts to fund the majority of what I do. I would be doing much better if I could do everything myself, but I can't so I have to pay for that. I am learning and am getting better with each try. New job has me working from 5-5 so getting stuff done after work is a bit of a strain.
Car went to a photo shoot a few weeks back....wish I had all the details done.



Yes...wheel wells do need blacked out....that is one of the things on my list to detail. The photo shoot was supposed to be 70s themed. I was expecting more bell bottoms and bikini tops. Not at all what was shot. That girl is more 80-90s than 70s....and yes, a few less buttons.

Picked up a 73 parts car and two more 440s yesterday and a bunch of randomness that is going to take me days to go through. Started tearing down the ones I had. 512 is still in machine shop hell....
Aftermath of today's activity. Going to have a lot of motors for sale to come. One 440 I tore down will only need a hone. One 360 the same way. Much more to do. 73 Duster parts car with a 440 shoved under the hood...




Pile of motors getting smaller as they migrate to machine shop then engine stand for build. Tidbits on Demon. Fixed a little trans pan gasket leak, installed steering wheel and tach. Need to back and touch up interior paint in a few places on trim. Trunk needs a spare tire.


Running, driving, registered, plated. Working on minor little stuff while I hit the other cars. Made a parade today. I think to really enjoy this car I need some 3:23 gears. I think the machine shop may have been a bit off on head volume in calculation of CR. Race fuel only....you would think I would learn to stay away from new machine shops. My impatience is my downfall. Had a great time with the wife and number 6 as my passengers today!



Running, driving, registered, plated. Working on minor little stuff while I hit the other cars. Made a parade today. I think to really enjoy this car I need some 3:23 gears. I think the machine shop may have been a bit off on head volume in calculation of CR. Race fuel only....you would think I would learn to stay away from new machine shops. My impatience is my downfall. Had a great time with the wife and number 6 as my passengers today!

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Looks fantastic ! Did you march in the parade or had attend? My son marched in the Dallas parade yesterday with other members of 1sr Cavalry. Afterwards he got to meet General Milley. Said that 15 minutes made the whole day worth it.

Thank you for your service! Happy veterans day!
I drove. They had the entire parade set up by wars. I fell in the Gulf War Era forward section. Local ROTC and some other units marched. No Generals that I know of there. Had a few fly overs and some really cool cars. Thanks for the shout out.
I drove. They had the entire parade set up by wars. I fell in the Gulf War Era forward section. Local ROTC and some other units marched. No Generals that I know of there. Had a few fly overs and some really cool cars. Thanks for the shout out.

You married up my friend (lol....) Awesome family ya' got there..... Thanks for your service...

Well it’s my second time around. I think there is an unwritten rule to do so. I agree. My two boys were marching with the Boy Scouts and my 3 older kids were either visiting their mother or otherwise engaged. I had the 74 all shined up and ready, but no driver. I have found I can operate only one at a time. We are hoping for one more...then we are all done with babies. The 4 year old just loved the parade and waving.
I'm confused.....one more car ....or baby?

Hope you had a great Veterans Day....to you and your fellow soldiers
Thank You.
One more baby....I already have 2 more cars. Agreement there on my part was I would sell one....of the cars!

We had a great day...temp was 32 degrees....literally in the 60s the day before. Thanks for your support!
Ok...update on this car. Still trying to find time to get after small ****, but it is all stuff that can wait til I’m 80. Car starts, stops, runs, drives. Installed a fan shroud and driving in 85 degrees, stopping and starting was holding at idle 170. Heat and wipers, lights and signals. Finished undercoating the car and had electric cutouts installed. Needs a supreme detailing and ready for the next cruise in. Car is close on final gear ratio 2300 rpms at 55. I feel like it needs another three gears though...I think it is more that I am used to 55 in my truck with an 8 speed trans.

I just did an A-500 trans install in my 74 Duster. I tell you, 2000 rpm at 70 is way nicer than 2800 rpm at 70. For a car that gets driven much, overdrive is worth it's weight in gold!
Real world problems.....you would think the folks designing a 72 Demon plate holder would know the bumper design? I am going to see if a set of B valley pan hold downs will work as a bracket or if I just need to fab a set of vertical supports. And really....a light bulb out....really?




Well. As I head into round 4 of trying to get custody of my 13 year old, the reality is that something will have to go in order to pay for the legal bills. Already sold one car that got me to this point. Need to be prepared for the reality that this car is going to be next.
Annnnnnd she going up for sale. Ain’t life grand. The Duster just isn’t close enough to done and won’t cover everything I need covered. Got another nice 440 for sale and a nice 360 in the machine shop. Also have the Duster project and a million parts to finish. Reality is that I just can’t turn those things as fast as I could with this car and then regroup. I’ll build another one....someday. Keeping my Swinger!
Silver is gone and sold. I put a completely new engine in it before it left. Was a nice 360 I was building for the 73 Duster. Red Swinger stays...for now. Brown 72 Gold Duster is making its way back in line at the shop to button up some minor mechanicals, replace some seals, and replace interior. I think I am just going to respray and stripe the entire car. I have a very nice 440 for sale and short of an RPM Air Gap Intake the 360 I just put in the 74 is being recreated at the machine shop.