1972 Plymouth Valiant 4 door Auto Slant 6

Wow. Just goes to show, "They're still out there."

Looks too good for Syracuse car, especially one driven for 13 years before being put away.

What's its story?

– Eric
Chrysler green. I swear they musta got a deal on shiploads of it...
Several of my Mopars have been that color. My 72 Dart is right now.
Great project for a family ! Enjoy !!
I was able to drill out the center.

Is it best to weld a nut to it?
Drill out as large as possible without damaging head threads.Heat and allow to cool, use a easy out.
What threads that are left from the stud should fracture and fall out.
Take your time.
And centerpunch the Bejeezus out of it.

The more centered your hole, the bigger you can drill without getting into the threads.

There is nothing wrong with using heat, or cold, though oxy-acetylene on cast iron could lead to disaster. There's at least a chance that the stud itself isn't actually rusted in place, but snapped off due to thermal stresses. If so, then an Easy-Out should get it – there are some fancy modern ones you can get that might work well.

Remember, if you break the Easy-Out off in the hole, you're in a whole new world, so use your judgement.

It is worth it to get a (few) counterclockwise drill bit(s), which should be available on Amazon, because sometimes they'll catch and just spin it out.

– Eric
If all else fails on that stud, a machine shop can use EDM to get it out. It means taking the head off but it does work.

BTW, that's one fine looking car. :thumbsup: