[WANTED] 1973 duster taillight panel

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No I believe they are the same have to ask my body guy. Can you send any pics
I got one at AMD two years ago. The 73 is a little different from 74,75,76. The 73 didn't have the 5 mph bumper shocks, there is two small indentions on the 74 thru 76 at the bottom .they are there so the face of the shock on the bumper to be hit and not damage the taillight panel. The 74 thru 76 uses different bumpers as well,they are about 4 inches longer so that a plastic bumper filler can be added. AMD said they have very little call for 73 thru 76 twilight panels and make limited runs. There's a place my friend got a used one from Desert Auto Parts on Arizona, it was $375 shipped, hope this helps.if you can find a 74 /76 you can weld a small piece where the slots are for the shocks to let the bumper move
Do you still have that taillight panel for duster if so could you send a picture with how much?
Thanks robertflippo for explaining the differences in those years. Will attach a pic to a PM for you over the weekend.
My apologies for misleading you. Went to take pic and forgot I had sold a chunk of the right side trunk drip rail and my panel is not whole any longer. Not sure if you want to patch a complete panel together to keep restoration moving forward or not. Pm me if you still want pic.
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