1973 factory blue duster??



Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Back when my dad was about my age(give or take) he had a 73' duster that was a dark metallic blue with some silver stripes.

I ran into a 73' that was dead on what his looked like, but i lost the pictures. I don't suppose anyone would have pictures of this factory blue/decal kit and knows what the color is called?

I was thinking that if i picked up a beat up duster/demon i'd have it painted in the same colors.
don't know if this would help


it is b5 true blue irid. that is the name for 1973 b5. that chart is for 1970 colors.....
Ross, those are '70 colour charts. The codes and names sometimes are different between years. DartorDemon, I have all the Duster colour charts from 1970-1976 listed on my registry site.


I'm thinking it was something like B9 Regal Blue BUT I have yet to see a '73 Duster in that colour. My '73 Duster is dark blue but it's not the factory colour. Do you have any idea if his was originally dark blue or? Also, from what I know silver stripes were never offered.
I'm thinking it was something like B9 Regal Blue BUT I have yet to see a '73 Duster in that colour. My '73 Duster is dark blue but it's not the factory colour. Do you have any idea if his was originally dark blue or? Also, from what I know silver stripes were never offered.

silver stripes would have added and painted. silver stripes were never offered. as far as b9 regal blue. it is a real dark blue like navy almost. that car is no where near that dark...
Yes Cody you are correct, thats all I had loaded on my computer at that time
and for the most part except for high impact, the colors are the same despite name changes

Ross, those are '70 colour charts. The codes and names sometimes are different between years. DartorDemon, I have all the Duster colour charts from 1970-1976 listed on my registry site.


I'm thinking it was something like B9 Regal Blue BUT I have yet to see a '73 Duster in that colour. My '73 Duster is dark blue but it's not the factory colour. Do you have any idea if his was originally dark blue or? Also, from what I know silver stripes were never offered.

well i know it was the original color. And maybe not silver, but it did have some sort of a stripe package on it. So whatever may have come on a 318 duster? He bought it new or slight used.