2007 Challenger



The KING of flats
May 25, 2005
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New Joisey
Did anyone see the little article in Popular Hotrodding about Chrysler possibly making a comback on the Challenger?

If not here is the article

While reading through our latest edition of the Crain Automotive News, we came across a surprising story. After checking serveral other internet new sources it seems rumor has it the Chrysler is up to something good. How good? Well how about a rear-wheel-drive sport coupe to challenge the Ford Mustand. And what better name for it than "Challenger?" After all, the original Challenger was launched in 1970 to answer the Mustang and with '05 Mustang sales through the roof there is obviously a demand for RWD V-8 coupes. We contacted Catherine Madden, a production analyst for industry research group Global Insight to confirm what we read in the Automotive News. According to Catherine the new Challenger would be based on the LX platform that is the basis of the Chrysler 300, Magnum and Charger. She also noted "We heard this car discussed at a meeting with Daimler Chrysler and they seem very excited about the concept. I have since heard that introduction of this car my be moved up, as soon as late-2007. Also, as coincidence would have it, the original Challenger had a Hemi V-8 too. Now if we could only Camaro it would be just liek the good old days.