2011 Young Guns Contest??



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
As you may know, the Young Guns -- Sign In & Win Contest is winding down and there's only a couple more months of giveaways. I haven't arrived at a decision as to whether I'm going to do it again next year or not so help me decide.

I'd like to hear from the current contest participants, the winners, the generous individuals who donated for the 2010 YGC, and everyone else who observed / subscribed to the contest or Help CudaChick donation threads.

Is there any interest in having another contest?
This and the other young guns mentor program has been on my mind also.. Seems like a lot of the young guns have fallen back into the shadows here lately... I'm gonna try and help DarTT out as much as I can when he finds a rollin' project...
... Seems like a lot of the young guns have fallen back into the shadows here lately... I'm gonna try and help DarTT out as much as I can when he finds a rollin' project...

That's partly my fault Paul ... been so busy in the shop I haven't had a lot of time to devote to FABO lately.

I'm sure DarTT will be thrilled with the help! It's this kind of support that goes well beyond any prize someone could win. Thanks for being a FABO Big Brother. :-D
hahaha, I am very thrilled indeed for greenhornet's help and very soon hopefully *fingers crossed* I will have a roller :cheers:
I would like to see it continue I would be willing to donate something bieng as I will not be elegable after october, I still want to see the young guns stories and I think it brings alot of draw to the site. thats just my opinoin lets hear some more!!
I would liketo see it go on again , I thought it was a good idea and it really gets you excited to think u have a chance at winning something.

I've been signed up for the younguns contest from the start and have not won yet but I'm hoping one day I luck out and see my name up on the thread lol.

I'd be willing to donate something to the contest just keep us posted
Well, you might've outgrown Young Gun status, but you never know. Maybe this time we should have an Old Pistols Contest instead??
Now you got my attention!LOL(Old Pistols)Either way I,d be in for a donation of some sort,be it parts or cash.You have helped the young guns 10X over Leanna!Kudos sista!8)
I think it's a great idea to do again. Leanna you have done some amazing things for all the young guns and I greatly appreciate everything you have done. Thank you for your awesome support! Muah! :)
I just saw it.. I think it is a great idea to continue it! I should be able to donate as well as enter again.
Just in the last few days, through a revival of the original YGC thread I've had offers for really terrific new donations for another Young Guns Contest.

If someone else wants to pick up the reins and run it, you'll not only have my blessing but I'll offer to help out in any way I can. With the press of business, still trying to catch up from the April tornado and all the shop repairs going on, I'm not in a position to do it myself (at least not this year).

Feel free to add your thoughts here!
I was looking at the original thread before, my thing is that as far as the mentor program goes theres nobody on here that is close to me and the old mopar guys around here are basicaly hermits that have no interest in passing on any knowledge. One actually told me to get rid of my car if i cant figure out things myself because nobody is gonna waste their time for a kid
I am in on adding to the donation's for the old unable farts :bear::blackeye:eek:r young guns Leanna .
I hope someone can do all the typing and organizing this again.:happy7:
We've done young guns. What about old farts?
I think its very good for this site(Young Gun Contest!) and it helps bridge the age gap as it helps the young gun, working as a bonding element for the entire site.
I am up for donating to help.!
We need this program to continue in order to encourage the youngsters as this hobby is not cheap and I am sure most potential young guns dont get a lot of support from there familys etc because the gas alone is hard to keep up with and then you have mom or dad saying "you can buy a Toyota and get waaay better gas mileage, (so they need all the support they can get)
I like busy mopar events and the only way that can continue is to encourage newbees to take on the hobby.
I am in for a donation to help young guns.
As for old pistols.. for me I think its a good idea to help all who cant quite do it themselves without a lil help.
Age has its limits on both ends of the spectrum, ...the young gun needs resources and the old pistol can use the hands on help.
Maybe a trade program between the two.
The old pistol gets help with the physical part and the young gun gets some resources for helping the ol pistol with labor at the same time maybe learns something too.
We have several disabled people here young and older who are not whiners or takers and they just SLOWLY work on there projects but could use help.
I am in for helping both!
This would help the ol pistols so they may not have to get rid of there project because of a health issue and they just cant do the heavy work.
We are a GREAT group and I think something like this could help bond us as more of a family.
my .02 cents
Is there a list of members for each geological area.? and could this be done
like a list of all members from North Carolina so they could see who is close to them and who is doing what>? this way one could see what there locals are doing with there projects and make it easier to help one another.
Like a map with a pin marking each members location.. otherwise I have to sort thru all our members to find my locals..and we have lots of members here.
Young guns is a great idea!!! and it is as good for the club as it is for the young gun ! So I am into helping all members here.. young or old:eek:ccasion:
One contest at a time of course.
I have parts I would trade for labor because to me it would be better than letting my project sit until after my surgery and recovery.
One for all and all for Mopar!
God bless
Bruce B
OK,I'll show my ignorance, what is the young guns all about ?? I sure as heck don't qualify,but from the jist of things it sounds like a great idea !!
Well I'm out of it this time. Yall go ahead. I got my *** handed to me last time I tried to help. I've helped a lot of people on here I really didn't have the money to and gotten nothing but grief from it. So excuse me if I sound tainted because I am. "Young guns" aren't the only ones in this hobby. They are also not the only ones who need help.
I am near the end of the technical young guns age limit...I was in the last one, I didnt win anything but it was still fun to participate.

I agree with stroker, I say we give to old farts a turn lol maybe age 40 and up? or something along those lines.

they are apart of the hobby too and would probably appreciate or enjoy being a winner just as much as an 18 year old kid.

like mentioned....lots of us need help ...no matter the age.

I vote for an old farts contest in the future.