24 Hours of Lemons

Wow, it looks like this race has that rule also.

$500 bucks for a running 340 4 speed 65 barracuda, Dam that's cheap. I could get that much just for the chrome trim and bumpers.

So when is the next race you'll be at ? Just kidding of course.
I enjoyed talking to some of the guys on your team...from Florida and Maryland I believe. Glad you found this site!
Love the idea. I have to tell you though, I'm having a hard time finding a car for under $500 for our local rotary club demolition derby. I have no idea how you can bring a car with anything near decent tires for under $500.

The rules say that tires, gauges, seats, any and all safety equipment and brakes are budget exempt. Basically anything that makes the car stop or protect you. (pretty much all of section 3 in the link and a couple in section 4 as stated) No one ever died from hitting a car that was sitting still unless they were moving too fast. If you can afford it, you can damn near run race rubber up to 190 TW rating. most teams run about 240 - 300. The only thing that's not budget exempt is buying the car and making better or run. (engine and suspension) It's hooptie *** racing at it's finest. There are some people on this forum that have tried to start a FABO team but it hasn't worked out. If someone started a WI/Ill/MI team I'd love to be a driver.

Don't worry about claiming or getting the car destroyed from the curse. The claim has only been done maybe twice and you need over 50% of the curse votes to even have a shot at getting your car destroyed and that's if you drive like a massive jack ***.