318 I D needed

Block #2536030 was used from 1967-75.

The block if cast after 6/1/75 would most likely be for a 76 model year.
The crank having been turned could have come from a differant motor.
The B285 screams Badger pistons to me but seal power has a 285 piston also. I believe Hastings owns both of them.

CHRYSLER 318 PISTON SET. P/N (8) 285AP 30. Piston specs are as follows HEAD TYPE: Flat head with 4-valve reliefs - 8.5:1 CR.

Yes the pistons and rods will work with a forged 318 crank and not need rebalanced.

What is wrong with the cast crank that you want to change it to a forged?
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If the steel crank is for a 318 or 273, then the balance should be close enough. But not for a 340 steel crank.