318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

Maybe you need to do a 318 challenge, could you even be up to the challenge?
I challenge you to show any mopar part. Anything I bet you have nothing, gotta. You always challenge everyone else.
Put up or shut up. Car guys have extra parts. So even if in between cars you would have something. A spark plug for your lawn mower or quart of 5w20 for the MiniVan don't count.
You always state challenge with invisible cars and parts
Maybe you need to do a 318 challenge, could you even be up to the challenge?
if you're paying. then again you seem to have deep pockets and short arms as you STILL haven't bought a car ffs! i've bitten my tongue for over a week as you've been repeating advice 'you' were given over and over in your many imaginary engine threads to unsuspecting members after help. you obviously didn't know what 'clean up the short side radius' means so when your bluff was called as you just blurted out the first thing that came to your mind, lol. if you don't know what you're talking about please don't try giving advice to others, it can just make things worse or at least more confusing.
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I got rid of the useless junk years ago, if I replace it I don't keep the old stuff
unused parts aren't junk, they're often sold/swapped for what a car guy needs for his current project. but you wouldn't know, you won't buy a car and yes i said 'won't' as there is no good reason you've not bought one of the many cars you've been offered over the last few years. :realcrazy:
I'm going to let you in on something, the biggest part of the cars I was told about on here were not what I was looking for, I was told about project car's, 4 speed car's ex race car's, /6 car's and car's that didn't have ps or ac and most were drum brake car's so see you run your mouth without knowing the facts.
Not true. You even lied about cars true conditions and were called out about it.
Sounds like you're committed to the 318. You do your project however you want. You're getting some good advice here. something that I don't think has been brought up is this, engine projects take time and they can suffer from mission creep. This can make the project take longer than you may plan on.

Sounds like you have a running drivable 318. You could have that motor in and be able to drive and enjoy your car while you build your replacement motor. You have a 360 block and 360 heads. If you are planning on boring the 318 and replacing the pistons you could do the same to the 360 at the same cost. You would need to come up with a crankshaft and rods. They could be found from someone doing a stroker or elsewhere.

I'm not against a 318 but if you looking for extra power with out sacrificing driveability it's hard to beat cubic inches. And you already have the parts for a 360 based build.

When your replacement motor is done your downtime will just be a motor swap instead of a motor build and swap. And until it's done you get to drive and enjoy your car which might help keep you motivated. Good luck with your project.
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Most of what I've asked about I already knew, I was seeing what you all would suggest. It's not hard to get a 318 to run good, now I'm not saying that it'll low 12's but it will get up and go.
So you admit to being a troll and wasting everyones time and like ruining peoples threads like this one.
Well, when I replaced the door panels and other interior parts on my 1973 dart swinger I threw them away as they were worn that's why they were replaced. Carburetor, alternators, starters had core charges, so see that's why I don't have anything laying around. I believe in being organized
I will take things a poser would say for $200 Alex

here you go dan. everything you want and under your budget. done.

here you go dan. everything you want and under your budget. done.
DAN don't want it it has no A/C, needs paint and interior.
Also you need to quit showing cars I might want.
Unlike Dan, I have belts, hoses, distributor, cap, rotor, wires, plugs, alt, starter, bearings, brakes, water pump, filter, gas filters incase tank has rust,.ECU, regulator, ballist. Could also just pack a spare distributor, and there is a gas can in the trunk already. And my Junkyard tool set I bring to pick the You Pull it stuff.if I can't get it for with them tools I dint need it.
I would grab some gallons of water locally would not want my luggage to be to heavy.
You if ya did bringing that much. I would need none of it except a quart of water, and half quart oil. That's how it works.
And some beer and pizza money for the meet up with Junkyardhero.
I could tell my wife we need it since we already have a new trunk mat in the box. Don't tell her it is supposed to have a carpeted trunk.we need it so the rubber mat can be used.
Some guys build a car around a motor, I would do it around a trunk floor mat.
I am already building it in.my head. Clean and dye some I interior. Cover head liner. Find bench seat, restore or buy the rest and redo inside 100 percent like new. Trying to pick a vinyl top color already black or tan? Buff car paint and new stripes. Order classic A/C just to my wife Crystal happy.
In a month new top.paint buffed with new stripes, IF PAINT DONT BUFF easy, just do single stage WHAM BAM Thankya mamm paint. So a month later you would not recognize it.
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You run your mouth, but I've never seen any proof of you having a car.
didn't bother to look as usual, i did a build thread here for my 68 valiant. somewhere in there were pics of my 65 dart, 66 fury and my 74 challenger to name just the mopars. oh, no pics of the plymouth volare super coupe, 69 short bed d100 and 75 short bed d100. don't get me started on the ford's, chevy's and amc's (i'm not prejudiced).
and 'i' run 'my' mouth :rofl:
Most of what I've asked about I already knew, I was seeing what you all would suggest. It's not hard to get a 318 to run good, now I'm not saying that it'll low 12's but it will get up and go.
liar! most every bit of advice you were given you argued with as a mate of a mate down the pub told you different. lets get it right. :poke:
Again, show me one. I'm sure that you can't find me a A body with either a 318 or 360 with a automatic, ps, ac.

I haven't asked anyone about a car because you guys can't find me one. I've been given leads on everything but what I've asked for. 1970 - 1972 dart, 1970 - 1974 duster, 1971-1973 scamp.

you can walk that BS right on out of here.

i've posted and shown you plenty.

just because cars are further than your leash will let you go, doesn't mean they're not out there.

clown shoes, man.