340 air cleaner decal installation problems



Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
I bought this air cleaner from Mancini


then I bought this decal set for it off ebay


I got the outer "340 Four Barrel" decal installed just fine. It's the center decal that is giving me fits.

The center of the air cleaner is concave, but at the very center it's actually flat for about an inch or so around the hole before curving up. Now obviously a flat round decal will never set in there right. So I emailed them and the very nice lady said their "pro" said to cut a slit down the center of the decal so you can fold one side on top of the other and lay it in there without the decal folding up. She said she would send me a couple more if I needed them in case I ruined the one I had trying to get it to work.

I cut the slit in it but as I figured, the decal still wont lay flat (looks bad overlapped like that anyway). Now tell me if I'm wrong but I think it's impossible for a decal to lay in there flat since the very center of the air cleaner around the hole is flat and then goes up into a rounded concave shape. I can't picture how any decal could ever lay flat in that area without folding up all over the place regardless of how it is shaped or cut. Has anyone ever had any luck with this?
If they send you some extras try heating it with a hair dryer(uncut).A heat gun may be too much heat but let it stretch as it falls into place.Vinyl will stretch a lot but you have to be patient.You are right though that decal and lid don't match up very well.Maybe try to find the pie pan with the decal already installed if you can swing it.Good luck.
BTW starting in the center and working your way out is probably your best shot at it.
Hmm, isnt that style breather 68-9 designed for a pie tin?? Decals on later styles? Sorry not much help here
................I don't think that u can use the center on that style which as Steve says was designed for the pie tin........kim.
X2...I thought that style came with the pie tin only....The decals were for the later 340 style air cleaners?
Thanks guys, looks like I'll have to get the pie tin.

I don't know what that decal would fit then because from looking at google images, the 2nd gen air cleaners use a pie tin and then the 3rd gen air cleaners use a completely different decal all together.
Pie tin is supposed to be on there
I am pretty sure it started as a sticker in 72 because they stopped using the textured black finishes

That sticker kit you bough I believe is for redoing an original or damaged pie tin