I've got a couple of 340 blocks that I just acquired. One of them is cast date in 69. I can't remember the actual date. The casting number is 2780930 and 340-3. The other one has a casting date of 7-7-70 and 340-5. Does anyone know what the -3 and -5 stand for? Back in my auto parts days if I remember on a 318 the automotive casting was a -1 and the motor home and truck block was a -2 or a -3. It seems to me the 360 was the same. Things are a bit fuzzy after this many years.
the other questions deal with heads. I have two sets, one of which is supposed to be the original off the Duster. They are 915 J heads. Some references say the 915s were 72-up 340 and 360 1.88s while the 71 340s had a different casting. Two of the heads that came with the blocks I got are cast J but backwards and one is an X and one is a O. I didn't get the casting number off any of these, just the letter. What is the difference between the J, X, and O? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
the other questions deal with heads. I have two sets, one of which is supposed to be the original off the Duster. They are 915 J heads. Some references say the 915s were 72-up 340 and 360 1.88s while the 71 340s had a different casting. Two of the heads that came with the blocks I got are cast J but backwards and one is an X and one is a O. I didn't get the casting number off any of these, just the letter. What is the difference between the J, X, and O? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.