340 trapdoor aircleaner vacuum line ?



Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2010
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indianapolis indiana
On A3 40 air cleaner with the trap door there is a TAT the bottom of the vacuum lines.Where would that single line hook up to on the car... I was wondering if hooking that up with another t from the distributor vacuum would work.


I swiped this pic from @Yote who was gracious enough to post it a few years back. If you zoom in, you can see where the line tees and from there it goes to the nipple at the rear of your TQ as shown in the first pic.
Just find an un-ported source for manifold vacuum (don't Tee off the power brake booster) and use that. If you use ported, the door will be open at idle. I am unfamiliar with Edelbrock carbs. Maybe @4spdragtop can point you in the right direction for that carb.
Thanks Troy, I don't really know much other than manifold port is on drivers side.
Just find an un-ported source for manifold vacuum (don't Tee off the power brake booster) and use that. If you use ported, the door will be open at idle. I am unfamiliar with Edelbrock carbs. Maybe @4spdragtop can point you in the right direction for that carb.

OK thanks...

FULL manifold vacuum is where it attaches. When vacuum drops off on acceleration, the door opens allowing more air into the air cleaner. Kinda a "sneaky" cowl induction.