360 Over heating

That doesn't look like a high amp fan. If you can keep moving around town, it might be ok where you are. Looks like a big overall improvement but at low speed, not so much. Electric fans should pull more than 18 amps to be considered for primary low-speed cooling (some oem primary fans can pull over 30 amps). There are only two or three universal 12 inch fans that pull enough amps for that and all are usually over $100, two speed, and require a relay. If it works, great. If you need more and don't want to buy another fan, maybe there is room for a 8-10-12 inch pusher to add in parallel to the puller.

Many ads BS about cfm and watts. The best way to compare fans is the spec'd amp draw.
Been preached so much, yet no one listens.
you can change it to "not many" I got the memo :thumbsup:
Seem to have an over heating problem. Can't keep the engine below 210 when cruising around town. Heats up pretty quickly so my "cruising" is pretty limited. It's a 360 that's not stock but still pretty mild. I'd be ecstatic if it made 300 hp. There's no mechanical fan only a 16" thermostatically controlled electric fan. The fan is mounted in front of the radiator and I've read that it's possible that it's blocking some air flow so I've thought about mounting a fan behind. Also, I've wondered if it might be necessary to upgrade to a HV water pump. You can see the setup in the pic below. A word of explanation: you should notice that the radiator is not directly mounted to the frame but space out about 1.5". This is because I found out too late that the electric fan was too thick to mount behind the radiator and I couldn't return it. In order to mount it where it is I had to move the rad back that 1.5" so the fan would clear a bracket just behind the grill. Also, there is a trans cooler in front of but not mounted to the rad.

I would think this setup with this engine shouldn't have any cooling problems. I would appreciate any thoughts or insight on how to address my problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Can I ask what radiator cap is on the radiator is it like this

Engine is able to maintain temp while idling but it's when I run it down the road it gets hot.

That sounds like the bottom rad hose is collapsing. Does it have a spring in it. Get it warmed up and then rev it up while watching the hose.
Or make a spring out of welding or fencing wire. Wrap a few turns around a vac cleaner hose or similar.
Or make a spring out of welding or fencing wire. Wrap a few turns around a vac cleaner hose or similar.

I've done that. I wrapped some real springy wire around a shovel handle.

To get the spring into a tight hose, push in and turn the spring the way it's wound. That helps it get slightly smaller.