[WANTED] 383 fan shroud and spacer

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Jun 27, 2016
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Fort Riley Kansas
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Hey all,

Looking for a 383 barracuda shroud pn 2785614 in good shape, and fan spacer pn 1851960 (.70" spacer) I know the shroud is repoped as well, but thought id try to find a decent original first, Thanks!
Spacer is hard to find, but you can take any wider one and have it ground down...
But he wants a certain number to be correct which he is an asking for. Kim
Thanks Kim, hit the nail on the head. If I absolutely can’t find a correct one I’ll grind one down, but cars not ready for it anyways I’m fine waiting a little bit to see if anyone has one.
When I was looking for one I found that they were used in different applications going back to the early 60s, that's why it has such an early part number. I had factory parts books back to 62 but sold them so I’m not sure what used them, but some research in that direction might help.
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