4 door to 2 door


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I see a lot of 4 door Dart's for sale that are in very good condition for low dollars. (this is over a period of time)

It got me to thinking. That's always dangerous. Why not take a 4 door, weld the rear doors shut. Remove the door handles and fill in the holes. Then smooth everything over and paint. This would require a custom interior in the back and fixing the back windows in position but you would end up with a 2 door that not many people would have.
I know one thing you are going to say is, How will people get in the back? I don't care as I drive from the front seat. If the back seat is a must you could always make the passenger seat a swivel seat and they could get in back that way. It only takes a little fabbing.

Just something I was thinking about as a solution to trying to find a 2 door in good shape as they are getting more scarce all the time.

What are your thoughts?

If you could incorporate the long doors from a 2 door Swinger, it would look kind of cool since the 4 door has a much more formal rear window/roof section. Much like the old 2 door post sedan Darts from the late 60's.


I agree Dave. But that is getting into the area of major fabbing. It is doable, but you better not be in a hurry. LOL Also, you would have to get some new glass for the back.

I have seen a 4 door 68 valiant that someone shaved the door handles off the rear doors. I watched the car race but didn't realize it was a 4 door until I was 10" away.
Jack are you snowed in, is this cabin fever?.I remember The Shining lol
that sounds intrigueing................. i have wondered similar things myself.
I would just leave it as a 4dr, there is nothing wrong with them. I wouldn't want to spend the effort in body work smoothing it to make it look good.

I have a friend that made an two door "El Valchero" out of a valiant wagon some 25 years ago. It still drives around today.
This is interesting. Some peeps think it might be good and others think I have gone crazy.
I was thinking of this as more of a 2 seat car where you could use the back seat area for luggage if you were touring. Or as a stiffer car if you were racing.

It's not crazy to do what you mentioned it is just more work than I would want to tackle. Sounds like what you have in mind is like the old business coupes. It would be different and different is good. It's why we are not driving Camaros.

leave the rear doors in place with inside controls.install a package tray type arrangement or the piece of bracing from a Duster/Dart Sport w/fold-down rear seat.now you can open side doors to toss the slicks in when racing or open the trunk and put your swap meet purchased engine hoist thru the rear.functional.Bob

Yeah, I saw that article some while ago. it doesn't deal with the shortage of two door cars, but it shows what kind of fabrication one can do with MOPAR unibody cars. Really doesn't seem to be a lot more involved than minitubbing, floor pan replacement, etc. The article mentioned the need to preserve the alignment of the body while it's weakened from removing structural members.
Not really a lot different from the altered wheelbase funny cars the folks are doing at the funnycar farm.

I don't recall if it was in the article referenced in the previous post, or somewhere else, but someone mentioned a THREE door car, achieved like the
four to two door conversion, but just doing one side. Now THAT would be different!!!
I converted a 35 Willys from 4 to 2 doors by sectioning the doors and welding the rear doors shut. It was a tough job, with lots of filler. I think a mopar A-body may even be harder. This type of a conversion has always temped me though. Howard
If you really want a 2 door just wait for one to come up for sale. Or shave the rear door handles on a 4 door and it will look much better.
i like that three door it would be funny as hell to get a bunch of drunk guys around it it would freak them out
If you really want a 2 door just wait for one to come up for sale. Or shave the rear door handles on a 4 door and it will look much better.

That all sounds well and good until you remember one thing. I live in New Brunswick, Canada. Around here it is winter 6 months of the year and they use lots of salt on the roads. Finding any car that is worth restoring, little long one in good shape is near impossible. Most cars 20 years old or older around here look good until you are within 50 feet of them. Then you notice the trees growing up through the floor and that you can see the car on the other side of it through the 1/4 panels. And they still want $1500 for it bare minimum. LOL

I've seen the 4 door to 2 dor conversion on some cars and it looked awesome, it is a lot of work but what an accomplishment just take your time and do a lot of research, go for it jack!
Maybe I'll do it if I can't find another Demon or Duster. My next project is going to be a long term one where I do everything myself. Not that I didn't do most of this one. LOL My next will be a 5 year project, not a 2 1/2 year sprint. LOL
