4 speed at the track - tips?

I just noticed it's going to be at Atco in South Jersey. You have to go through the water there, they don't give you a choice the way the lanes are set up. That shouldn't be a problem though. Looks like good weather too!
thanks - it's actually not until the 21st of september, so we'll see what the weather brings.
lol - funny stuff. To be honest with you - I most nervous about the burn out and staging than I am about actually getting down the track.

was the 17.42 you best time, lol?

Thats the easy part. Just pull up and stop with your back tires in the water. There should be a guy there to help you stop in the right spot. Then he will do some had signal to let you know to do you burnout. Just rev her up and dump the clutch. You should just sit there and spin not going any where. Then when you want to leave the box just ease out of the gas and she will move forwered. It has already been said how long you should stay in the box so I will not go in to that. But remember to ease out of the gas because if you just let out of it all at once you will stall it and look like a bumb dumb. Ask me how I know. LOL

Then just inch up till you light up the first tree light and it is not that much further till the next one lights up. What I did was let the guy in the next lane pull up first so I could get an idea of where the beam was at.

Good luck and have fun:cheers:
Pre-stage and wait? Oh. hell no. Stage and throw the other guy off his game.

I hope your kidding...

pull that BS up here and you would get booted, once ok, but continuous and it is bye bye buddy!

Now on to the 4 speed fun.

1. When you are finally staged and the yellows start coming down it is advisable to "wind up" your drive train so you don't hit it all of a sudden, you will find the weak link really quick otherwise. Like stated before start out launching at low RPM's and adjust from there.

2. From my own experience...

Whether you are going to granny shift or power shift, I would recommend changing your shift forks from brass to steel, otherwise you will probably bend the 1-2 shift fork when you pull 2nd gear. Very small price to pay to make sure that you are able to shift.

Have fun!!
I love it when my opponent does that. I have a pretty solid routine so that doesn't bother me at all. In fact, if he pulls that crap, I will take a llllooooonnnnngggggg time to stage and then we see who's game has been thrown off!

Sorry, I didn't catch in your first post that you are using the ET tires. Do your burn out in at least 2nd gear or even try 3rd. Wheel speed is needed to get the tires warmed up. Be sure to post your results after the event. Good luck and have fun. L8r.

With the 4 speed you need to watch that you don't roll thru beams. I raced a stock 340 Challenger w 4 spd for a while and this helped. The disc brakes will retract slow most times so hold your foot on brake hard until you are both staged. Then you can let off brake pedal and onto gas to starting rpm while yellow lights count down. Practice this at home or road before the track to see if it rolls. It is hard to hold brake and toe the gas to specific rpm at same time. good luck and have fun
DJV - Yeah, last time the drive home was 6hrs, and I dropped a kidney stone on the way (no BS... Ended up way dehydrated...lol). Plus Joe wouldn't let me post the pic of his car getting 8" of air under the tire because of the whole magazine suspension article thing...lol.
As far as Atco goes, I am close enough, but not in the neighborhood. I will more than likely see you next spring, with my 65 and the new V8 and Doug's revised 410, and we'll be looking to stay for dinner. I do not advise trying to run through the tri-state area at 5pm...

I would highly recommend these guys' rental tho.