6,000 Post Club



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
It took awhile but I have arrived. Just think how much work I could have done to one of the cars in the same time it took to write 6,000 posts. Just a little something to make you go ... hmmmmm. ;)
Congratulations Ben! As I slowly creep up to 1k I thought the same thing. Who has the highest post count?
Congratulations on your awesome milestone!!!!!:cheers::cheers::cheers:

Now onward to 10,000!!!!!!!!
I've got about half as many as you Ben. Most of them have come after I finished the Demon though. Seems I do have a little more time since then. LOL


That would be memike at: 18,944. Holy cr*p! That's over 3x the damage I have been able to do.

I have been seeing my shrink about this GTX 8) He said to continue my time here and keep my brain working and my hart warm 8)
Congratulations Ben :cheers: 6 grand post's of fun and helping folks here :happy10:
Someone good at photoshop needs to get a picture of Memike with a FABO I/V in his arm and a stoned look on his face.
Then we can have a "caption this" thread about it. LOL.

Better yet Memike, this can be your new FABO assignment to stage the scene. ha, ha.
Congrats Ben, now the break you took makes sense. Didn't want to look too "old" on this site. Can't put off the inevtible.

Congrats Ben(GTX)!I,m creeping up there myself.I would never get anything done without asking(posting)This site has helped me so much,in the short time I,ve been here.Cheers!:cheers:
Congrats Ben!

One day, when I start dispensing Mopar knowledge instead of just soaking it up like a human sponge, I will try to catch up! Right now there is still to much reading and research going on. :-D

Can't talk...reading. Lol.
Gee, Ben. And to think I knew you when you were a young whipper-snapper, barely into your 4,000th post... :cheers:
It took awhile but I have arrived. Just think how much work I could have done to one of the cars in the same time it took to write 6,000 posts. Just a little something to make you go ... hmmmmm. ;)

It must be the gold forum.

You guys dissappear from the general forum for a month, then Blammo!, 3000 more posts.

This gold forum must be the shizzle.=P~
Someone good at photoshop needs to get a picture of Memike with a FABO I/V in his arm and a stoned look on his face.
Then we can have a "caption this" thread about it. LOL.

Better yet Memike, this can be your new FABO assignment to stage the scene. ha, ha.

Stoned look :toothy10:

petit Jean 09 191.jpg
These posts seem to add up like years aged, before you know it they`re all behind you. Like age though, look at the wisdom you`ve gained.
X2 for me Longgone :happy10: and friends:cheers: