/6 torsion bars and the street



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Klamath County, Oregon
I have been planning my budget build Duster for quite awhile. It will be a mild street and strip car with some cruising thrown in.

Virtually all of my driving is straight line down the highway.

Any thoughts on running the /6 bars on the street with a V8? I know it will not handle optimally for DD status but I think I can live with that.

For those that have ran this combo, do you think the weight transfer advantage was worth the driveability concerns?

Thanks for the help as always, ROB
that is an "oldschool" trick to help weight transfer and it works but makes for a crappy ride around town
I'm about to find out myself. The T-bars are more for the up and down travel, thoug the side to side or tilting is also a job of theres. The best you can do is better shocks and add sway bars before a change of the T-bars.
IMO, I think it'll be fine for it's intended use.
Small block= livable
Big block = ugh

/6 bars will allow the front to rise easier for weight transfer, but remember, what goes up, must come down. They also will let the nose go down faster under braking and cornering. So, if you don't mind plowing through the corners...
I know you said mostly straight line driving down the highway and whatnot, but don't you have to use onramps and offramps?
Man, I need coffee. Good luck with the project. There is a huge wealth of info here and these guys are smart and friendly. Need any help, just shout.

Let me add a note to my post ... Along with the /6 torsion bars I used a set of Carrera 90/10 uplock shocks which let the front rise then slowly let it back down so on the street you didnt notice the plowing under hard braking so much
For the small amount you will lose at the track it isn't worth the bad handling on the street. I will never drive an a-body very far that doesn't, at least, have the smal block handling package and preferably has more.
Right now the car drives pretty nicely. The PS is way over assisted, but I am used to that. Cornering, stopping and steering are all good.

The nearest strip is over 100 miles away, they all are actually. It sounds like I am going to rethink this for awhile.

I'm mainly looking to pick up performance advantages where I can.

Thank you for the help, ROB
for the over assist on the p/s - there is a restrictor on top of the box where the high pressure line goes ...I just made my own and tuned it to the right size hole - now my car has some road feel to it but still steers easy