[Found!] 64-65 Valiant/Barracuda shield (valance)

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Oct 17, 2005
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Silver Springs, FL
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Looking for a driver quality shield (The valance between the two front fenders, below the bumper) for a 64, or 65 valiant/Barracuda. Part number in the 1965 parts book is 2525 867 or 2525 872.
Item number 7-26-15 in the cooling section. Prefer in person pickup. Not in a huge rush.
I am in Florida,
Looking for a driver quality shield (The valance between the two front fenders, below the bumper) for a 64, or 65 valiant/Barracuda. Part number in the 1965 parts book is 2525 867 or 2525 872.
Item number 7-26-15 in the cooling section. Prefer in person pickup. Not in a huge rush.
I am in Florida,
No one has a driver quality piece, for a reasonable price?
That's two different valances. The Valiant had the turn signals in; the Barracuda didn't (and didn't have space for them).

A '63 Valiant valance with the round turn signals might also fit '64-5 fenders, but I'm not fer sher.
That's two different valances. The Valiant had the turn signals in; the Barracuda didn't (and didn't have space for them).

A '63 Valiant valance with the round turn signals might also fit '64-5 fenders, but I'm not fer sher.
The Barracuda valance will work. The only difference is the Valiant had the mounting tabs for the turn signals, and the Cuda didn't. There is room for the lights, and the tabs can be added.
I agree with Dan, they are indeed different stampings. In AZ thats a difficult part to find because cars are driven to death here and the valence gets beat up from a thousand road hazards. Disagree with Dan on '63 working. '63 valance is one piece from center of headlights (approx) to bottom of fenders.
That's two different valances. The Valiant had the turn signals in; the Barracuda didn't (and didn't have space for them).

A '63 Valiant valance with the round turn signals might also fit '64-5 fenders, but I'm not fer sher.
I will defer to your info. I might have been misled. But in my case, I would take either one. It is not for a restoration, just to get a non-rusted out part on a street driver.
I just did some searches for pictures of 65 Barracudas. I see some of the valances with the opening that goes completely across the front of the car from about headlight to headlight, and others where the opening is from about parking light to parking light. A much smaller (narrower) opening and no room for the turn signals. So, am I correct in assuming that the Cudas with the wider openings have had the valance replaced with a Valiant part?
I learned something new, today. So the day wasn't wasted. Thanks.
"Any day you don't learn something new is a day wasted"
Charlie...The valances are different, but you can definitely use the Valiant valance in the Barracuda. Just make sure it is a 64 or 65 valance. They are incredibly hard to find nowadays but one does pop up from time to time. You can also get a brand-new fiberglass one. Good luck with tour search.
Charlie...The valences are different, but you can definitely use the Valiant valence in the Barracuda. Just make sure it is a 64 or 65 valence. They are incredibly hard to find nowadays but one does pop up from time to time. Good luck with tour search.
I need for a Valiant. I have three 1964 Valiants and one 65 Valiant. One 64 has a good valance, One has no front clip. The other one has a badly rusted valance. Also, my 65 Valiant has a badly rusted valance. I know they are hard to find, and when I do find one, it is either too expensive and/or too far away, and shipping kills the deal. I'll just keep looking and hopefully I'll find a seller close enough to me and will take pity on me price wise.
I need for a Valiant. I have three 1964 Valiants and one 65 Valiant. One 64 has a good valance, One has no front clip. The other one has a badly rusted valance. Also, my 65 Valiant has a badly rusted valance. I know they are hard to find, and when I do find one, it is either too expensive and/or too far away, and shipping kills the deal. I'll just keep looking and hopefully I'll find a seller close enough to me and will take pity on me price wise.
Oops I had it backwards. The Barracuda valance will fit the Valiant. You can also get the correct fiberglass valance for the Valiant. They are certainly pricey. $250 to $500 now that it's 2024. If I see a driver quality one I'll send it your way. We have 4 or 5 early Barracudas, so I always have an eye out for parts.
Oops I had it backwards. The Barracuda valance will fit the Valiant. You can also get the correct fiberglass valance for the Valiant. They are certainly pricey. $250 to $500 now that it's 2024. If I see a driver quality one I'll send it your way. We have 4 or 5 early Barracudas, so I always have an eye out for parts.
I see the fiberglass ones. Two of the companies are within driving distance of me, so that would save on shipping. But like you said, they are pricey, and I would prefer metal on a street car. I'm not in a big rush, so I'll keep looking for now. The Don Garlits Mopar show is coming up, as is the Daytona "Turkey Run". Might be something there.
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