65 Cuda Project car Last chance to buy or it gets cut up for scrap

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Mopar Maniac Guru
Oct 5, 2004
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Rosedale B.C Canada...EH
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65 cuda V8 Car (no Motor) But Has tranny to be finished, Car has to find someone to put some paint on it and put it back together, would make a great father and son / daughter project . I also have a truck load of extra parts to go with this car, Such as 3 rear windows ( which are hard to find ) interior parts , body moldings , Fender, hood , trunk lid , Door . the list goes on and on . There is 1000 bucks in wheels on this car alone , You could pick the best parts and sell the rest to recoupe some money back. I need the room for my new project .$ 3.500


That would suck to lose another to the scrap heap.

Hope you sell it fast, but if you do cut it up, can we see the progress pics so we can all feel like we're being slowly tortured by some sadistic, evil internet Mopar psychopath?
That IS just wrong. I understand a person needing to move an unwanted project,but scrapping a nice Barracuda like that would be a crime! Some of us have to scrape change together to build our cars and whittling away at the number of a-bodies out there just drives the prices for cars and parts higher. I'd give my left arm for a nice starter like that.The Jay Leno's of the world shouldn't be the only ones that can afford what used to be a great hobby for working class folks. Whole scrap yards are disappearing into the Chinese and Japanese steel mills because these are the companies paying top dollar for high quality American steel. Have you noticed the complete lack of quality in steel these days? Go to your hardware store and buy a handful of carriage bolts and compare them to the bumper bolts on your Mopar product. No comparison whatsover! The new stuff won't hold up for a year,much less 30 or 40! The overseas steel mills melt down vintage high quality cars and then dilute the metal with so much trash that the end product is less than useless. Sorry about the rant but I've been working hard for years just to acquire and build the very modest cars that I have so I can preserve and enjoy a piece of our history and share it with my kids. That means a lot to me. All that being said,I hope you find a deserving buyer or an alternative to the scrap heap.Good luck with the sale.Dan
Well at a couple hundred a ton for scrap, you're gonna be taking quite a loss on it. With that in mind, why not reduce the price closer to the scrap value so someone interested (and maybe 1500-2000 miles away) would be more likely to spend the extra cash to retrieve it. Makes more sense than just cutting it up.

but it's your car. do what you want
That IS just wrong. I understand a person needing to move an unwanted project,but scrapping a nice Barracuda like that would be a crime! Some of us have to scrape change together to build our cars and whittling away at the number of a-bodies out there just drives the prices for cars and parts higher. I'd give my left arm for a nice starter like that.The Jay Leno's of the world shouldn't be the only ones that can afford what used to be a great hobby for working class folks. Whole scrap yards are disappearing into the Chinese and Japanese steel mills because these are the companies paying top dollar for high quality American steel. Have you noticed the complete lack of quality in steel these days? Go to your hardware store and buy a handful of carriage bolts and compare them to the bumper bolts on your Mopar product. No comparison whatsover! The new stuff won't hold up for a year,much less 30 or 40! The overseas steel mills melt down vintage high quality cars and then dilute the metal with so much trash that the end product is less than useless. Sorry about the rant but I've been working hard for years just to acquire and build the very modest cars that I have so I can preserve and enjoy a piece of our history and share it with my kids. That means a lot to me. All that being said,I hope you find a deserving buyer or an alternative to the scrap heap.Good luck with the sale.Dan

i have to agree, sorry this isnt supposed to be a discusion but why would you even threaten to scrap a car like that? why not just lower the price till someone bites so you still make more money than scrap and someone will get a nice project car.
Well, I'll buy into this (the sales method not the sale) and post. I've seen this several times before. More specifically, we have a guy in the SF Bay Area whose flipper calling card is to buy & sell nice project cars. He is very adamant about not selling any parts off it. It was all or nothing. He would threaten to cut it up in little pieces because "he didn't care". Let me tell you - he cared ... about the money. He never followed up on his threats. What this tactic does is get people upset and it keeps the buzz alive until someone "rescues" it. There were a few times that his cars didn't sell and then (and only then), he would part them. Again, I've seen this one way too many times. As CudaSpaz said, I'm up for some pics too but I bet you I won't see any of this car being cut up into little tiny pieces. Perhaps you should start with the $1000 wheels. Also, as 68 Sedan mentioned, you're going to scrap it it for a few hundred bucks? Not going to happen.

BTW: What's the new project?
your right it is a threat BUT with that said It will go for scrap for the reason that this car has been up for sale for almost a year now and everyone that has seen it says Wow 3.500 for that car and all the parts " you should have no problem selling it " and yet there it sits. I need to get it out of were it is because I can,t get my boat out and I have parts for my 51 fargo to go in were that car is sitting. If I sell it for parts I will still be stuck with the body shell so thats why I said all or nothing and If you guys are so up tight about the car then lets start a auction and see who really wants it . At 3.500 Iam not making any money on this car and Like I said there is alot of parts that goes with this car . Who ever buys it better come with a pick up truck with a untility trailer for all the parts
I think everyone agrees it looks like a really good project. I think the underlying problem is LOCATION. I'm in North Central Texas, and frequently find location is a problem here. My Six Pack Challenger and my Six Barrel road runner would have been a MUCH easier sell IF I had taken them up north to sell. People just didn't want to travel 1400 miles to buy a good car. So being up in that corner away from everyone it HAS to be an issue.

And that is why I suggested making it easier for someone to afford to come get it. Otherwise someone will be looking at $3500 for the car, and another (maybe) $1500 - $2000 in expenses to get it.

Shame really. Looks like a good piece. Good luck
We've all taken hits on cars/parts that we've had to move. As 68 Sedan has said twice, perhaps lowering the price to make it more attractive might be the key (especially to make up for being off the beaten path). If you have duplicate extra parts, sell the dups to make up for part of your loss. Also, think bout putting some rollers on the car and sell the wheels/tires separately. Just some ideas to help you move this thing and not lose your shirt while doing it.
Why not sell the car and the parts seperate.
Or maybe you`ve already tried that.
I've seen that car on Craig's list for quite some time. It looks like an excellent project and I'm sure that the total value of parts and everything way exceeds your asking price. The problem is (at least for me) that there are many Barracudas available in that price range, say 2500-4500 that are drivers. This car, while very attractive, doesn't even have a motor to rebuild. From what I have seen 3500 is a quite a chunk of change for an early Barracuda in project form, on top of which a buyer is looking at locating (and probably rebuilding) an engine. Again - not disagreeing that the value is there in parts, just that most guys have a hard time dumping that kind of money on a car that doesn't run, and putting it together won't get the money back out of it. Much less explaining to their wives how this is a good deal. Don't scrap it though...sell it to someone for cheap. Don't let sour grapes waste a nice car like that.
I bought a non running 65 that is complete for $1600.00 and probably paid to much. Your not priced at market value otherwise it would be gone!
Barry...I'd come get it (I'm close enough), but, I just don't have the room to store it either. If I bought another car home, I'd be the one that there's no room for!!!
Aside from being strong money, the deal breaker for me (And I really want a 65 cuda) is the distance, it's really hard for the average working man to build a car starting @ $3500 let alone $5500 which is what it would be for me to have it shipped here. After you restore the car you have in it way more than it is worth. I mean no offense, it is a beautifull car and would look absolutly awesome in my driveway! Maybe the hobby is just getting out of reach for the average guy.
Maybe the hobby is just getting out of reach for the average guy.

got that right, it the reason i couldnt get a 70 dodge challenger or a 70 gomango roadrunner as a first car and had to settle for a 74 duster. Dont get me wrong, i love my duster and i would never trade it or sell it, even for a challenger but come on.
So are you starting an auction or not? A good starting price might me a couple hundred over scrap price and let it head up from there. Be sure you post the exact location of the car. Maybe plug in some shipping quotes to different destinations so as to give folks an idea as to what they will be looking at for shipping cost. Reseve the right to end auction early in case someone just has to have it with a buy it now price. Hummmmm, Sorta sounds like ebay. Just my opinion. Let the bidding begin.
I have to agree that the price is way high. Those cars aren't the easiest to sell from the start. Not sure what you have invested, but if you got $1500-1800 you would be doing good!
Well the update on the car is that it is SOLD thats right it was saved from the cutting torch. Glad it didn,t get cut up just to nice of a car. So All of you out there that have been freeking out about the car can now relax
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