Well-Known Member
Some on here are showing pics of or talking about 67 or 68 A bodies. They are about 2" wider in the engine compartment than the 66. The OP asked about a 66. Just saying....Dennis
I had 340's on my first 65 340 back in high school. manual steering and I think there was a very close spot on the driver side. I have magnums on my motor now but its not in the car yet. Saw a pic of a magnum logged 65 at a car show but no details on steering shaft where some one said there was an issue. looking at those tests makes me wonder why the fuss when choosing logs, they are all within about 2% of each other. BTW the early magnums had 1 1/8 outlets which would maybe nudge them ahead of the 340's in total flow potential, and both sides are identical. are they showing 2 varying tests per magnum side? kinda hard to determine from the posted link.
I repeat; my '64 Valiant had an "installed by ME" 1971 Demon 340 engine, and with the engine bolted down to the mounts, the manifolds were TRAPPED, solid, on BOTH sides so that the engine could not move... there was NO clearance. That car had never been wrecked, so I don't know why some of the manifolds fit and others (like mine) wouldn.t... It cost me a set of headers...
Repeat, you had 71 logs? I had 68 logs. They are different.
You became a dealer? That's one way to build your car cheaper! Lol! How's progress? I've been working on my hardtop motor swap and neglecting my real baby.
Back to the top and doing some investigating to make sure these do fit a none power steering 66 Valiant.For what it's worth, I called Sanderson and spoke with Francisco about the DD8 headers. They are NOT on the website but his web master has the pic. He sent me this pic and said the passenger side is nearly the same, driver side all new. The #3 pipe goes up and over the #5 & makes room for steering box. I forgot to ask about power steering. $345 for uncoated & $595 coated (I think those are right, I lost my notes.)
I just dropped a 318 with 360 heads and the original 273 manifolds on it. I have a 71 swinger with a 360 and hooker headers, I don't think I will ever put a set of headers in another car. The 360 heads were not ported, but the manifolds were to open them up. Had it on a run stand and it ran great.
Are you making headers for the 66 dart??Not too much of a choice for you on a 1966 Dart.Do you have power steering?
Hooker headers are fenderwell headers.TTI and Dougs are long tubed under car headers.
I am in the process of making mandrel bent custom performance headers that will be out in December 2011.