66 Valiant hood lettering



Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2011
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My son and I are working on his 66 valiant. The hood is sprung, and we can't get it to straiten, it was that way when we got the car. I have another strait hood for it, but the PLYMOUTH lettering on the front is loose and the M is missing. The hood on the car now has a complete set, and it is tight. My question is, How do you safely remove letters, and how do you get them to tighten up?
The letters are held on with "pal" nuts which are self threading. They thread onto posts on each letter. The mounting posts on the letters can be snapped off rather easily and the pal nuts are easily distorted. I would think a little dab of silicone on the pal nuts would help a lot to tighten things up. Also the "M" and "O" (the letters in the center) are 66 only parts, I think this is due to the hood changing for 66.
Thanks guys. I had not really looked at the inside of the front of the hood and for some reason I was thinking it was sealed on the inside. I should have looked before posting, but thanks for the help.
I just took mine off my 66 valiant the socket is a 5/16 and had to remove the hood latch I was real easy removing the nuts and held the letter tight against the hood when I removed them and I didn't have a problem. Took me about 30 min to remove them. You just need to be real easy:cheers:
I found my 66 valiant's missing hood letters on the deck lid of a 69 valiant.
Be careful not to over tighten the nuts, you risk snapping the studs easily. Their made of 'pot metal' and over time they become soft/brittle.