'68 Barracuda carpet pad/glue removal tips



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
I finally removed the mouse piss carpet and padding. What is the best way to remove the remaining glue and padding from the floor pan?


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I don't remember Mouse Piss being a carpet color in 69. LOL
Like @Murray suggested, you don't really need to remove it, unless it is soaked with urine odor.
If it is not, I would just hit it add with a DA sander with 80 grit. That will get rid the loose stuff. Then vacuum thoroughly. If it is soaked with the urine smell. I would sand it MORE with the 80 grit on a DA sander to get off what I could, Then I would switch over to a 3" Roloc Disk on a 90 degree die grinder. That will get it all off; all the paint too. You will have to protect the areas that got down to bare metal.
Thinner and a scrub brush in a open area or you will get high... Then go over it with Super clean and a scrub brush in an open area or you will get sick. Respirator recommended but not required . Don't do this with a lit cigarette in hand.
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They make a product that dissolves the glue so you can rub it off. I think GOO-GONE or Graffiti remover will work well, (non-toxic I think also) you just have to work at it a little. I do agree with Murray though. If it doesn't smell, leave it. If you want to re-paint the floor though, yeah, I would remove all of it. I looks like a really solid floor pan too, not like what you would find here in the "Rust Belt"
I use the big 4 inch wire cup on a right angle grinder for most all such. USE safety glasses. When done apply 2 good coats of Rusteolum enamel. Done. It ain't that hard.
3M Adhesive remover will take it off but using a wire wheel will be WAY quicker. I agree with using a wire cup wheel. Make sure you don't have any loose clothing on. If that wheel grabs your shirt or the string from a hoodie, you'll be in trouble before you can even react.
I used a wire wheel in a die grinder on my Barracuda convertible. It was a PITA. Don't glue the new carpet down as they were never glued from the factory. The carpet was laid in and held in place with the sill plates, kick panels, and seats.
Well, LOTS of good ideas. Please let us know what you did. We love follow up.