68 barracuda column shifter



New Member
Dec 28, 2024
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lindon Utah
Hey everyone, I've recently started working on restoring my 68 barracuda but I've been kinda confused on a few things.
Some background info:
Interior: High trim Grade
Engine: 318
transmission: 3 speed auto

First thing did the 68 barracuda have the option for a column shifter or did they only have center console mounted shifters? Second thing, is it recommended that you do have a center console shifter over a column shifter? Thats about all that I've got but if you have any tips that you'd like to share please do!
Column shifters were standard on low line A-Body's, console shift was optional. Most people prefer console shift but column shift gives you a MUCH lighter car!
Welcome aboard. No recommendation of one shifter over the other, it's strictly a preference. You could get a column shift car in most shapes sizes. Console shift was an option.
It depends on your build plan. All stock? Rather have buckets or bench? If going with exhaust headers in some cases column shift is not even an option due to tight clearance space.
What do you have now?
i currently have a column shifter, but looking at other peoples builds it seem like most have a console shifter and plus I think it really completes the look of the interior to have the console just because then you don't have a large empty gap in between the two bucket seats.
It is nice to have a console shifter and a "clean" steering column. My brothers 67 Barracuda 273 auto was never allowed to shift itself. He always used the console shifter.
My 67 Barracuda was and is a column shifted automatic. Personally, I find it easier to manually shift a column shifter than a console shifter (my Charger has a console shifter). Plus, I like my bench seat with fold down armrest. I think it holds me in better than the factory buckets (and I ran them for several years). But I understand that most would consider the console/floor shifter/bucket seats to look sportier.

My 67 Barracuda was and is a column shifted automatic. Personally, I find it easier to manually shift a column shifter than a console shifter (my Charger has a console shifter). Plus, I like my bench seat with fold down armrest. I think it holds me in better than the factory buckets (and I ran them for several years). But I understand that most would consider the console/floor shifter/bucket seats to look sportier.

I always wanted one of those bench seats. Nice to have your girl by your side, close. I actually took my console in the 68 out and ran a B & M Starshifter ratchet shifter.