68 Barracuda Trunk



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hello All,

I have a 68 convertible, which is nearing the end of the major fix ups. My main question/concern is what colour or what is supposed to be in between the two molding peices on the trunk lid, between the taillights. Is it the colour of the car? some plastic the colour of the brake light? or painted the colour of the brake light??

I havent posted before, but I have taken alot from this site, this is the one issue I havent been able to figure out for my car..... Any info will be greatly appreciated!


Welcome to the site Shane. It should be the same color as the car unless you install the reflective maroon decal that was on some cars. I believe Phoenixgraphics or Year One may stock the decal.
Thanks for the info! I'll have to let this one bounce around in my head. Cause I do like the look of the reflective strip....

But the look of it being the colour of the body is nice to...
Heres a thought. Rather than place the sticker directly on fresh paint you could put it on the thin aluminm flashing material commonly called coil stock.
Slip it in under the other trim pieces and take it back out if you dont like it. Only challenge would be sharp edges around the key hole.
It does add to the visiblty of the car that has small tail lights.