68 console shift boot



Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Caldwell, Idaho
I assume theres a shift boot that goes under the console on a 68 dart with the offset shifter, but i cant find one, I have the boot for a non-console car and it appears to be for a straight shifter, so what goes over the hole in the floor?.....I looked in my 68 dodge manual, and they dont show the offset shifter....

I have a part listing for the upper console boot, PI-132CA, $79.00, and also a listing for the lower console boot, PI-132A, $69.00.

I don't have either of these parts on the shelf, but I can order them in, lead time would be approx. 2 weeks.
does it show a picture of the boot? I have the year one FD64 lower boot and its not right, what kind of hole is in the center of the boot? thanks for the help
Let's see if these pics work right.........

pic on the left is the 132A and the pic on the right is the 132CA
thanks for posting the pics, those are the boots I have, maybe it is the right one, anybody out there had one apart before?
THe oval one goes on the floor to seal the tunnel to the shifter. then the consule goes over it. the other one fits into the consule for the handle. the carpet on the side hides the lower seal.
