68 marker lights


Mike 340

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Reaction score
Has anyone ever seen a 67 dart gt with 68 marker lights? Factory installed.
The reason I ask this is I have one.
I am the 3rd owner of the car and I know the previous owners . Also how would I be able to prove this. I don't have a build sheet but I have the fender tag.
Nothing more than a hole saw red'q to install the round side markers. I've seen them added to pickup trucks. You would need some sort of stampings in the body panels to prove OEM.
The car has been in my family since 1975. My father bought it off his boss the original owner. He bought the car from Pembina Dodge in Winnipeg in December of 1967.
All sheet metal is original. The lights are a stamped holes. I did not put these lights in
And my father did not or his boss. The car is a late June of 1967 build.
Believe what you want, but it did not happen at the factory unless you can prove it did. A build sheet would not do that.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the '68 fenders just have a hole? There's no flange, or rolled edge or anything. Just a round hole with a small indent in the hole to index the light.

What I'm getting at is there would be pretty much no way to tell if the hole was factory or added later unless it was added in the wrong spot or poorly executed.A stamped hole and a hole saw cut hole with a smoothed edge prepped for paint look the same, and the indexing mark can be added carefully. And yes those are '68 sidemarkers on the front of my Duster. Soon to be the in the rear too. It's very simple to add them.

Unless you've held your fender in bare metal up next to an original '68 in bare metal it would be nearly impossible to tell if the job was done well. Maybe you could use a set of calipers do measure a handful of '68 marker holes and see if they're the same size, a stamped hole can be any size while the cut hole would at least start a standard size. Although that assumes all the original marker holes are very close to the same size, which they might not be, especially over the entire production run.

And, if the car wasn't purchased until December '68 it would have been on the lot quite awhile. Maybe an enterprising young employee decided that leftover '67 could be made to match the '68's? Maybe a buyer liked the new '68 lights and wanted them on that leftover '67 but the sale fell through? Dealers added a lot of stuff back then.

The production lines ran into July sometimes late into July before things stopped for retooling. A late June build having '68 markers would mean there would still be at least a couple, if not several weeks of production being built like that. Meaning, a lot more then just one car would be like that if the factory had started using the '68 markers early.
When I first bought my 68 the passenger side finder was screwed up had to replace it. The only thing I could find local was a 67 finder. Took a couple measurement from the driver side , drilled the hole and put the marker in . Nobody new the difference.