69 FrankenDart....

Wow..picked up two beautiful 72 fenders .......the hood is nice...plus two nice grilles with one set of bevels....and the upper and lower grille support...
Ripped off the old POS 74 ish bumper and shock absorber....the 72 upper and lower grille support fit right in....wont need to swap out fenders either...missing one bracket that I can make....bingo....

Now only if those Lotto tickets I bought .....hit..
Waiting for pictures of the new front end....ha I think I saw your Demon out at a recent test n tune. Think you had about 3 cars out there right?
First more important then the cars , I'm sorry about the loss of your Mom ! Will say a prayer for you and your family .
Second for the record you are a like the mad mopar thrasher !!!
How you do all that you do amazes me !!!
Cool project !!!
I hope it runs well !!
God Bless !!
Waiting for pictures of the new front end....ha I think I saw your Demon out at a recent test n tune. Think you had about 3 cars out there right?

Yes, usually have 3 cars there....I just test fit the upper and lower grill supports in the dart. Cause it has the 74 fenders. .Have to get the 71 Dart finished for mats...should have it running Wednesday

And if nothing breaks at MATS...should be able to start working on the 69 Dart...
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Torn the 904 apart that I got for 50 bucks....the guy said the clutch disc were replaced a year ago...i could believe that...front drum they looked great the rear drum the steels have heat marks all over them...SO I am replacing for sure disc/steels in front and rear drum.....so basically i am going to rebuild the trans...got new bands...left over billet rear servo..new seals and whatever it needs....

it came with MP steel deep pan...also it has the low gear set in it....


For Bracket racing ....Auto is the only way to go....with transbrake and manual valve body

this car will is for foot braking...got an old Turbo Action cheetah valve body I bought back in the early 80s doing nothing...
Just read this. Really sorry to read about your mom. You're doing the right thing though. As Bill Powell would say, "Keep on keepin on!"
my mom lived to be a few weeks short of 95 yrs...She lived a full and wonderful life....I only hope I can make it into the 80s...LOL
I like to stay busy....and right now life is good....will quit working in just over two years ...I already retired once...so I have no problem retiring a second time...LOL.....and these old cars will keep me busy....
I understand the auto thing .
I was just thinking for fun !!
Since you have multiple cars.
I know it is way easier to be consistent with auto.
Maybe the challenge ?
Sorry..but their was only one Ronnie Sox.....

I got one 4 speed car home in the garage...but it not for racing...Hopefully in the near future I will be banging the gears in it again
As said...the rear drum..aka Direct Drum steels had some hot spots on them....new ones are about 1 dollar each...makes no sense to try and reuse them...even the front ones are being replaced....I think 8 steels and 8 clutch disc cost a whopping 24 dollars..dam shipping was 15 bucks...anyway

dpicture of steels..and old TA valve body....Serial number 830340....build in the 1983...


Got the 904 done today as I think everything survived MATS....have to check on clunking noise in Demon....hope it is not a ring gear as I have new dana 60 for it ...just has to survive the month of May...

One thing on the 904, all the others we use that have transbrake have the 24 spring kit in the front drum...found something difference for this one..ATi sells are front return spring for the 904 that is wound in the opposite direction for a whopping 19.95 plus shipping instead of the 120 bucks...


couple of 904 waiting to see action...I hope not too soon....one with TCI pan is a spare with Transbrake...other with MP steel pan is for 69 Dart....And I did not paint them blue..so don't puke.

If was not so dam hot...I would drag that Dart into the garage to begin working on...but weather man says it going to be 114 this weekend...so unless I get out there at the crack of dawn....Gotta get it up on the hoist so I can make a list of **** to do....

Gotta tuck the springs in as the 8 3/4 already has the perches move in.....

Got alot to do over the next 3 months..get Duster painted...two new 408 to get completed and installed...
The rain can suck in Seattle, but dang we rarely see 100 , back 90's in western washington is rare !!
Oh and that's normally in August.
What do you do to keep cool in a garage ?
Have a portable swap cooler.....need to put one in the window...maybe this year...lol
With the Fuster headed for the paint shop...I now have room and for the 69 Dart....I was hoping to have it ready to go by Sept but that aint happening...need to get the old 273 and 904 out of it...then attack the rear end ...move springs in..and mini tub...or what ever it takes to get 9 x 28 slicks in....

Looks like Monday is going to be a busy day.....