69 Wiper Motor Finish and Testing Questions



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
I have had this 2 speed Wiper Motor laying around for years. It was off of a 69 Barracuda parts car. I thought I'd sell it, but I wanted to clean it up, blast it and powder coat it first. As you can see, it is a little crusty. I have three questions:
1. I tested it yesterday by grounding the case and touching a 12 volt wire to a few plugs. The two bottom horizontal plugs (my finger is touching them in the 2nd picture) gave me a nice smooth slow and fast motion (I think the one on the left was fast). But how do I test the park function. Before I go to the trouble of powder coating it and selling it, I would like to know that the park function worked.
2. What does the ballast resistor fastened to the body do?
3. What finish should the plastic housing I am pointing to in picture 3 be? Part of it shows when assembled. I plan to powder coat everything in semi gloss black. Does this plastic part get painted, or does it stay natural. I blasted it and the ballast resistor with very low pressure, and they look OK natural.
4. What should the finish be for the arm and clips on the far left side of picture #2 be? I assume the clip is natural, but does the arm get powder coated black?
In the past, I have had pretty good luck blowing things like this apart and re-assembling them. With any luck, I will be able to post this wiper motor soon, and it will look GOOD.
