7.25 suregrip question



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Sutherlin Or
Hey guys i was just wondering if anyone could help me. I am looking at a 7.25 for my duster its only a slant and its staying that way but anyway the guy is saying he thinks its a sure-grip. How can i tell i mean im willing to take the inspection cover off and look inside but im just wondering does the 7.25 suregrip unit look like the ones for the 8.25 or 8.75 is it just like a solid unit in there or does it look different in the 7.25 Thanks for your help guys Justin
Spin one wheel forward, if the other one turns backwards, its a suregrip.
Spin one wheel forward, if the other one turns backwards, its a suregrip.

I hope your mistaken.... I just had a shop install a new suregrip in my rear end and both wheels turn the same direction when I spin one now. Before the sure-grip was intalled, the wheels turned in opposite directions.