70 Dart Custom

It's a great drive, and the show also has a bunch of other stuff like festival and wine tour and etc.

Anyways, got the 340 home today. Hopefully into the car tomorrow.
I'll be lucky if I get it in the car today, all my helpers disappeared. I'd like to do motor and tranny at the same time, and not ding up the nicely painted engine bay.
Engine and tranny went into the car today. I installed brand new Doug's Headers too. They were a ***** to install.. Removed passenger side torsion bar, and now it won't go back in. It looks like the front socket has turned a bit, I may have to remove the rubber stop to allow it to turn more, or unbolt it from the LCA and turn it.



Thanks! What's the car you found?

Got a bit more done today. Installed mini starter, bolted headers down, installed tranny cross member, installed fuel pump, installed new water pump, installed new distributor, and pre fit the aluminum rad, pulleys, and fan.
Also got the passenger side torsion bar back in.









Looking spectacular,Man! Great job, you must be getting pumped!
I'm just in the "scraping undercoating off the belly of the Satellite " stage....so I'm a long ways off of your progress!

Looking spectacular,Man! Great job, you must be getting pumped!
I'm just in the "scraping undercoating off the belly of the Satellite " stage....so I'm a long ways off of your progress!


Thanks! Haha well, you probably feel better about scraping undercoating off then when you scratch the **** out of your freshly painted inner fenders, trying to install your stupid headers.
Mike that looks super sharp!! Sorry I havent chkd your thread in a while, it looks amazing. Beautiful work. When we dropped dads engine in we were contemplating using the same "lifter" that mounts to the carb hole, but I was a little leery having that total weight supported with the 4 small bolts! Howd it work for you??
Thanks a lot! I never thought people would be saying mine looks amazing, I always thought that of others.
This was the first engine I've used that 'lifter plate' on, but it worked great. Much better than the old chain method. No effing up my valve covers, and trying to undo the bent bolt afterwards. The plate was like $15 from the parts store, and it claims to be worthy of 1000 LBs. Who knows how much the aluminum intake is supposed to take though, or like you said, how much the bolts can take. But it worked fine for me, and it pivoted a lot nicer too.
Looking great Mike, can't wait to see it. Nice to hear you finally got your motor back. I hope those header scratshes on the inners aren't too bad :banghead:
Great to hear that you are getting it done even with all of the struggles, Mike.
It'll all be worth it in the end.
The car is coming together nicely, keep up the momentum!
This build is inspiring a lot of us to get off our asses and work on our cars.
At least it is for me!
Today just got carb bolted down, finished up the fuel line, throttle bracket, some wiring started, bumper brackets back on, dipsticks installed, oil pressure gauge, and drivers side splash shield on.

For some reason my kickdown linkage is hitting the bellhousing, so I'll have to figure that out.
Installed my rad today, got all the hoses installed. Started to install tranny lines. Figured out my pulleys, and got my electronic ignition, fuel filter, bypass hose, and a few other things installed.


Me too. Especially when I would look online for parts, and his phone number would come up listing 340 parts for sale.

That would really get your mind running wild. I would end up being pissed off until the motor came. :violent1:
Well, other than hooking up my fuel pump lines backwards, everything went GREAT! at initial start up. Broke in the cam tonight, and the engine started at 75 PSI, and eventually dropped down to 65 PSI and stayed there. Didn't go above 160 degrees. (Above I had said we broke the motor in and had 85 PSI, but that should have said primed. I mistyped it, but now can't edit it).

This thing is LOUD!! Nothing better than breaking in the cam, at 7 PM, with open headers, out of my mom's garage, who lives in a nice friendly family area ;) Ohhh ya.



I took a video, but you don't see anything, and its a bunch of engine noise, but if I can figure out how to get it uploaded, you can watch if you want..

I also hooked up my Lokar kickdown cable. I didn't buy the bracket for the intake, so I just used my throttle bracket, drilled a hole through the post, and bolted the kickdown bracket to the post.



Got the correct splash shields in, fenders bolted up and correctly spaced at the bottom side, front valence on, bumper, grille, eyebrow trim, hood trim.






