70 Dart Kelsey Hayes rotors



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
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Are there any places left that sells the rotor with 5x4 hubs?? I can’t find any without upgrading to another disc brake setup. Would like to keep it original if possible. Any help would be appreciated!


Get them turned and measure? PRT1054 were available for rotors(no hubs) but I know price has skyrocketed on them.
Get them turned and measure? PRT1054 were available for rotors(no hubs) but I know price has skyrocketed on them.
I actually think mine can be turned, but nobody does it anymore. I will buy new ones but not sure where to buy from. Thanks for your help
Dont toss them rotors. Theres gotta be a member on here with a lathe fairly close to you.
Ok didn’t look like the hub seperated. Thanks for your help

I actually think mine can be turned, but nobody does it anymore. I will buy new ones but not sure where to buy from. Thanks for your help
I actually think mine can be turned, but nobody does it anymore. I will buy new ones but not sure where to buy from. Thanks for your help
A good NAPA shop or O'Reilly's
Rockauto shows no stock. I assumed that these would eventually be available and spent many hours rebuilding my calipers. Summit says they can special order and at least one other vendors claim to have stock
Rockauto shows no stock. I assumed that these would eventually be available and spent many hours rebuilding my calipers. Summit says they can special order and at least one other vendors claim to have stock
Are they 4 inch bolt pattern? Didn’t say on the one site that’s showing in stock
They measure.810 now can I still get them turned?
Yes, no problem as long as they're not severely warped. If you check them with a runout gauge, they might not even need to be turned. I never turn mine unless I get some pedal pulsation.
Yes, no problem as long as they're not severely warped. If you check them with a runout gauge, they might not even need to be turned. I never turn mine unless I get some pedal pulsation.
So what is the discard thickness on these rotors? After turning, there has to be .030 left for wear. I have seen no refere in the FSM indicating it.
You don't need that much extra for wear. The factory says .790 is the minimum thickness to machine the rotor, and discard at .780, but, I've turned them thinner without a problem. I wouldn't go any thinner than .760 however, as you might get a piston leak once the pads get thin.
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For our 67, min thickness is 0.816". I had some turned that were slightly smaller for spares.
So what is the discard thickness on these rotors? After turning, there has to be .030 left for wear. I have seen no refere in the FSM indicating it.

That's cool ! I see it though that he worked for JPL.

The house I bought in '12 was almost completely as the deceased owner left it as it was his 2nd but main home for years. I have yet to go through it all but know quite a bit about Bill, his wife, dog, nephew, businesses, career, hobbies, travel etc. The woodworking and other miscellaneous tools are priceless to me, brand new snips, drill press, etc.
Many Craftsman items in packages. I found NOS Sears and Roebuck stamped mailbox in the garage that's now out on the highway being used. Even found an expired CDL So know face size etc. This cat has books on almost any subject and was into everything. One smart cookie. Only one neighbor left that knew him and I can probably get Ol' Bill's stereo equipment for asking.
I count my blessings daily.

The specs you show are for the Budd disc brakes.
And the Budd brakes are only for the big C body cars.

If I was looking to get the rotors turned, I would ask around at the local cruise in, somebody always knows somebody that has a lathe to turn them down.