70 Dart vs 72 Dart fender extension



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, Canada
On my 70 Dart, my passenger side fender extension is the deep 70 style. My drivers fender is a 70/71, but the extension is a 72 - shallow style. With the chrome pieces on, is this going to mess up my grille install? Or will it look funny? Everything is together and freshly painted so I would hate to have to change them to match at this point. Thanks for your input.
Not 100% on this but IIRC.

Extensions are the same just pot metal vs fiberglass. Will fit and look the same. Trim is different 70-71 vs 72. But I am pretty sure it has to do with how it mounts to the extension and not the way it looks when mounted. So no it should not look funny.

Think I have even herd of the factory miss matching them.

So as long as you have the correct trim for that year extension you should be good.