70DartMike's road trip across Canada / US

Got to meet up with Mike and Carmen, what nice folks they are! They came to my house and got to see what a messy shop looks like LOL Think we had a couple hours to chat but time was limited, but it was a pleasure meeting them both....we both had FABO banners to sign too :D

Mike told me they put on over 10,000 miles already!!! They said they are now heading to SD and going to stop in Sturgis, any FABO members on the way want to meet them send Mike a PM...have a fun and safe trip :glasses7:


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I was in Sturgis two weeks ago. It was a little quite but nice.Got caught in a hail storm. Make sure you check out the Harley Museum(Limited Hours).Lots of $5 Sturgis T-Shirts around for souveniors.
We had a beautiful drive on the back road from Dead Wood to Hill City up to Mt. Rushmore then to Keystone, Rapid City and the to Sturgis and then back to Dead Wood on the interstate. Jason
Good people for sure, I glad they stopped and had a chance to meet up with you Keith.
I'd like to do the same trip some day. Hey Mike, want to sell the van when your done? lol
Have fun guy's!
:cheers::cheers::cheers: to you Mike and Carmen :D
Sorry so short, thunderstorms are here now and I better get off of my computer
Safe driving and may you enjoy a trouble free ride to Sturgis :cheers:
It was great meeting you as well Keith! Loved that Valiant and Satellite, two very cool cars.

We're in Mitchell, SD right now having dinner. Drove past the corn museum. Heading further west tonight. Drove past some cool yards full of cars in Minnesota and route 35 in SD. There was a bronze colored 70 or 71 Challenger sitting in the weeds in Paynesville?? And a big field full of Buick GS's in SD.

Thanks for the info on Sturgis. Updates coming soon.
Not exactly sure where your at but there is a cool auto museum in Murdo SD called Pioneer Auto Museum. Old and a little run down but worth stopping in if your cruzin down the interstate. Jason
Not exactly sure where your at but there is a cool auto museum in Murdo SD called Pioneer Auto Museum. Old and a little run down but worth stopping in if your cruzin down the interstate. Jason

Funny I just got this message now, as that's what we did earlier today. We saw a ton of signs for it, so we gave it a shot. What a cool place! I agree, the place was a bit run down, but seeing that Rebel Machine and the Rambler Scrambler was pretty cool, as well as stumbling across the GTO Judge, 428 Torino, and Superbird tucked away in a lean to.

We stopped by Wall Drug and Sturgis but it was pissing rain do we didn't stay long. We just got into Wyoming where we're headed for Gilette for the night. I'll post pics later of Pioneer Auto Show, I took a ton.
Driving through Yellowstone Park today, then heading for Couer d'Alene tomorrow to go to Silverwood Theme Park, where my dad used to take us when we were kids.
He would take us to a Mexican restaurant, I believe it was in Couer d'Alene, but not sure, and for the life of me can't remember the name of it. However the food was delicious, and when it was your birthday, the staff would put a big sombrero on you, sing and play guitars, and give you some tortilla chips with cinnamon and syrup on them.
If this rings a bell for anyone, let me know, I'd love to go back.
Things just keep getting better!

We drove through Yellowstone, and upon arrival at the front booth, nobody was there, so we drove through. It was getting late and I was getting sleepy, so as we drove around the lake, I pulled over on a pull out to get some rest. In the morning, I was woken up by a knock on the door. It was 2 park Rangers, giving me a $125 fine for parking there overnight. There were no signs saying "No Overnight Parking" or anything, and nobody told us we couldn't be there. We weren't given a warning or anything. Just an immediate ticket. Apparently trying to prevent an accident by pulling over and sleeping is wrong. What we should have done, according to the Ranger, was pre read the Wyoming state laws before entering, and take a flyer at the unmanned booth from nobody.
If we don't pay within 30 days, we have to come back to Yellowstone for a court date. We'll also be issued a federal warrant if not paid. Really??? Don't these guys have better things to do than to harass a couple of innocent travelers on a road trip? Sorry, but the hostility and rudeness we have recieved (not only from the park rangers, but basically anyone who learns we're from Canada) is making it us a little edgy.

Rant over. Onto Coeur d'Alene!
Sorry to hear bout the lack of hospitality from the dicks in charge! Hopefully things will turn around for the better, keep showing them the Canadian charm, that will eventually win them over.
Sorry, but the hostility and rudeness we have recieved (not only from the park rangers, but basically anyone who learns we're from Canada) is making it us a little edgy.

HA! your not alone ...try being east Indian ......i have salvage yards here in Colorado who wont sell to me yet my American friends get a different tune......or they act like they dont understand me yet i speak clear english with no accent anymore ...i been here 12 years ...duhh lol

sorry to hear your not getting the treatment you deserve for bringing your money into a slumped economy.

what can we do ......dont worry for every mean person is a nice one around the next corner....chin up
Lol, sorry, I wasn't implying every American is rude. I've met plenty of friendly people down here as well. Its just after getting the finger about a dozen times on the highway, one starts to wonder.

That's what happens when you drive 55 in a 70, people can be idiots, they hate slowing down for anything. I always wave back with smile, they hate that lol
That's what happens when you drive 55 in a 70, people can be idiots, they hate slowing down for anything. I always wave back with smile, they hate that lol

A couple of years back I had a blowout on my tag along 25 foot trailer. There was a town with a garage station about 5 miles so with our 4 ways flashing and being over the shoulder as far as I could we limped into the town.

I was blown away by the fingers and abuse yelled at us as we limped along...it wasn't like we were hard to pass..

People change when they get behind a wheel or a keyboard...

People change when they get behind a wheel or a keyboard...

100% accurate. I've confronted people in person after they've been a tail gating, bird flipping dick, and they back down pretty fast. They feel pretty tough in their lifted truck though, where nobody can hurt them.
That's what happens when you drive 55 in a 70, people can be idiots, they hate slowing down for anything. I always wave back with smile, they hate that lol

Lol, ya, it also happens to us when we're driving in construction, where its a 35 zone. There's people in front of us going just as slow, yet we still get the finger and the horn blared at.
Thats one way to look at it.

We slept in Ritzville, WA, in a grocery store parking lot. All was good until about 4 AM when the train would go by RIGHT beside us, blaring the horn, once every hour or so.

We'll either be on the ferry home tonight, or tomorrow morning.
Funny I've been following Mike's thread along the way and low and behold who do I pull in front of in the traffic back-up. I'M 70 DART MIKE he yells out the window. Freaking hilarious,knew who it was when I looked in the mirror saw the green van with the camera in the windshield. Glad you guys made her home in one piece.:cheers:
Not all of us are like that.

Most Americans I have met have been great Dave, including yourself. It really puts a sour note on a trip when the CBP are dicks, but the Canadian side was worse when we were coming back from Colorado.
Funny I've been following Mike's thread along the way and low and behold who do I pull in front of in the traffic back-up. I'M 70 DART MIKE he yells out the window. Freaking hilarious,knew who it was when I looked in the mirror saw the green van with the camera in the windshield. Glad you guys made her home in one piece.:cheers:

LOL :glasses7:
We saw this gorgeous 68 GTS pull in front of us on the Malahat, and I got excited yelling to Carmen, 'A Dart!' Then I thought about it, and wondered 'Is that the same guy from FABO? Newby I think his name is..' So I yelled out the window, 'Newby!' Then he looked around, so I yelled louder, 'Newby!!' He looked back, I called out '70 Dart Mike!' We both thought it was pretty hilarious.

Newby, let me know when you'll be here for the swap meet. I can show you my small collection if you'd like.