Well-Known Member
Two thoughts for you. First, do you have the PCV line in a valve cover hole that is baffled? You could be pulling oil in if it’s an open hole with no baffle. Second, could be that your valve guides are excessively worn and your rings not so much. My duster came with a 318 that smoked oil quite a bit at idle. I simply put new valve stem seals on it, as the old ones were completely gone with just disintegrated remnants in the valve area. After doing so, no more smoke at idle and the motor runs very good for what it is. I would check the PVC valve first and then determine when the motor is smoking. If at idle, or just after startup, it’s most likely the valve stem seals. If it’s all the time, most likely, the rings are the major culprit. This will give you an idea where you’re getting your blow by. I agree the ignition timing isn’t the problem.