727 leak



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
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had a leak at the bell on my 727...replaced front pump seal, put a few more miles on it and it's leaking again..., so I pulled the pump and I'm going to put all new seals/gasket/and bushing in. anything else to look for while it's out?
Since you're replacing the pump bushing, check the smoothness of the converter hub. If the bushing is bad, your hub will probably be bad also.
A converter hub should be as smooth as a crank journal.
As above, a cracked converter snout. Cracks will start in the corners of the pump drive slots and migrate diagonally down the snout allowing fluid past the seal.
I should have added that if the hub is cracked, or isn't as smooth as a baby's butt, the converter will have to be replaced or rebuilt.
the converter hub isn't cracked, and the bushing looks in pretty good shape, the hub however isn't perfectly smooth....it has about 2 ridges I can barely feel with my fingernail
Don't forget the shifter and kickdown lever seals way easy to do it while it is out a pain while it is in.
the converter hub isn't cracked, and the bushing looks in pretty good shape, the hub however isn't perfectly smooth....it has about 2 ridges I can barely feel with my fingernail
The hub must be smooth with NO ridges, and the bushing must be better than "pretty good shape".
You said in your original post you're going to pull the pump and replace the pump gasket, the pump o-ring, the pump seal and the bushing. If indeed this is where the leak is coming from, there no sense doing all that work for the new bushing to ride on a so-so hub. If the hub is worn, it'll take the bushing out again.
Just my opinion, others may vary.
I have also experienced a converter seal leak when I ran my car with the kickdown (throttle valve) tied all the way back. once I installed a kickdown linkage the leak went away. I am thinking the constant high line pressure pushes fluid pat the seal?
well it does have a kind of small cooler, but my dad's car runs the same setup and no leak on his...hmmm