73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

No comparison whatsoever. .........HemiMark has red hair, Swisswill's is clearly dark.

Thanks for buying the wall art.......I was hoping you would see it and pull the pin but I did not want to secretly push you. It would be inappropriate, like the head of the Justice Dept meeting secretly with the husband of the subject of an investigation.....just say'n

I cant wait to get it and thanks for offering it up!
I was told that I need to quit staring at every little detail so much and just get the damn thing done.

Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that, the car would have paid for itself. There are still several thing that will be changed after the nationals are over but for now I have to stop making changes. By the way I looked on MapQuest and Ashland, Mo is only 8 hrs and 47 minutes from Columbus, Ohio straight across I-70...just sayin, even without a car is a fun time.
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By the way I looked on MapQuest and Ashland, Mo is only 8 hrs and 47 minutes from Columbus, Ohio straight across I-70...just sayin, even without a car is a fun time.
Oh I know, I've made the trip to the Nats before. I kicked the idea around a little already but I've gotten to the point where I hate going to shows unless I'm bring something. Seems like I've seen everything so many times that I get bored and ask myself why I came. I've burned out everyone I know on shows so nobody wants to travel out of state anymore and that's a long boring trip alone.
I know..... excuses. I'll be there next year with the Demon. Knock on wood.
Since we started the tent.....it is a whole different experience for us.

More than anything, it is a great place to BS and use as a "base". .....and if you get bored.....you can take over grilling duties for an hour or so. Just hanging around getting to know everybody is a hoot, even for us " non people" people. With the addition of the Missile guys, there are always stories of their building of the cars, racing , and traveling from back in the day.

After the three days, I am exhausted. ....but never bored.
38 days till the Nationals...hopefully this week I will be able to get the inner fenders, cowl and firewall painted and blended in, I've never really been happy with the top side of the wheel tubs paint finish.....so I also decided to do redo the wheel tubs while I'm at it.

whats a little scuff between friends.

be well worth the effort.
remember the company motto....perfection is not our goal it is our standard
whats a little scuff between friends.

be well worth the effort.
remember the company motto....perfection is not our goal it is our standard

I have to make it as nice as possible so it show's well under the tent.
tic-tock, tic-tock!
I Know, I know I really need to stop modifying and changing **** and put it together already. Five weeks from today we will be loaded up and ready to head out early Friday A.M. Should I bring your Wheels....maybe Jim will be nice and bring them home for you if you don't have room in the GTX.
I Know, I know I really need to stop modifying and changing **** and put it together already. Five weeks from today we will be loaded up and ready to head out early Friday A.M. Should I bring your Wheels....maybe Jim will be nice and bring them home for you if you don't have room in the GTX.

yes, please bring the wheels, and rum
Nice work, trunk still fully function?
Just like It came from the factory......with the addition of a power trunk latch, also a factory Mopar part since I deleted the outside keyed lock. I also added an emergency release cable like newer cars have but mine was added in case the batteries are dead and I cant get into the trunk to charge them plus I have the firewall charging ports as a third backup.
Just like It came from the factory......with the addition of a power trunk latch, also a factory Mopar part since I deleted the outside keyed lock. I also added an emergency release cable like newer cars have but mine was added in case the batteries are dead and I cant get into the trunk to charge them plus I have the firewall charging ports as a third backup.
Sweet, got an picture of the charging ports? I'm curious how you did it as I've been wanting to do the same.
are they just female connectors then or do you have to use special jumpers?
Special.... They come with it bad news is that my model isn't available any longer, I had another FABO member ask last year and when I went to look up the part number it wasn't listed.
Special.... They come with it bad news is that my model isn't available any longer, I had another FABO member ask last year and when I went to look up the part number it wasn't listed.
Well at least you've got a unqiue piece
Special.... They come with it bad news is that my model isn't available any longer, I had another FABO member ask last year and when I went to look up the part number it wasn't listed.
Who made it?
Ross, I lost the name of the company that makes replacement vin tag rivets. Couild you give me that info again please? Thanks