73 dodge dart head liner problem...?



Well-Known Member
May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Washington State
Well I broke down and ordered a new head liner from stockinteriors.com. Got the head liner 10 days later and was really excited to see how it fit.

Begain by tearing out the old card board head liner, that was so brittle will not go back in. After getting the new one all in place it was about 4 inches to narrow! I took pictures and wrote the company with no response.

It seems to fit the contour of the roof line but is just not the right size.

wanted to know if anyone has delt with them before or used there products?

Is it a soft one or one of the hardboard ones?
Everything I have read about installing the soft headliners says that you have to lay them out in the sun for a while or hit it with a blowdryer so that it streaches out a little bit. 4 inches seems like alot of streach for a soft one though.
It's a hardboard type, it was several inches to short on the side. Larry contacted the company and sent them pictures of the problem. They replied back that it was there mistake and would send him a new one right away, at no futher cost and told him to keep the one that he had already recived. Guess we'll see if it shows up and keep you guys posted on the install.
Can you post some pictures of it? I'm considering getting a new one for mine but am sceptical as to how close to the original the new ones are. If mine had a soft headliner with the bows I would have bought one already but I'm not convinced the new hard board ones are identical.

Did shipping it cost a bomb due to its size?
Did the shipping cost a ton? Ive been thinking of this for a while now but just have never gotten around to doing it. I wanted to get it from someone at Carlisle to try and save the shipping but they say its drop shipped from manufacturer so you "can't save" on the shipping :(