742 or 489 case? aluminum case???



Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2005
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ive read that the 489 case is stronger. dts has an aluminum 742 case but not a 489 case. does anyone make new cases? also is aluminum case that much lighter, maybe it with aluminum drive shaft? is aluminum as strong?
I`ve heard the aluminum case is about 40% lighter and unless something goes to pieces inside there, you should have no problems since it`s simply a carrier.There is a controversy over which case is the best for drag racing and most people seem to agree that even though the 489 has a larger pinion gear by 1/8 the 742 is the better case. Ergo ,that`s the one that`s being reproduced in aluminum.I believe it has something to do with pinion taper of the 489. You need to check with your local track or with the NHRA if you want to run an aluminum driveshaft because certain classes won`t allow them.Cutting weight is a great way to lower your e.t`s but it can get very expensive. Good luck in whatever you end up doing!
thanks for the info. so far DTS has the cheapest 742 aluminum case $779 compared with the highest at $895.
ok. i want the aluminum 742 case. what about drive shafts? i guess there strong as well? any reason why there not allowed at some tracks? is it an unfair advantige or are they not as safe as a regular shaft? thanks for any info.