79 truck questions


Tracy S

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
I'm looking at buying a 79 stepside. It has a single round headlight on both sides. I thought 79 was the year they switched to dual square headlights on both sides. The center of the grille looks exactly like the 79 grilles with dual headlights. Is this model specific, or a half year kinda thing? The truck I am looking at is a 318 Custom 100. I am glad in a way because I would like to put a 78 grille in it. It should be an easy swap because of the single headlights, right? I will probably turn it into a Midnight Express clone, but keep the 318 2bbl. My Duster should keep me in good graces with the tire manufacturers, oil companies, you know the deal. Thanks in advance, Keith.
Is that the one your trying to get from OH?? There is one with a 440 in it for sale in Northumberland (hour and half from you)...I don't know what year it is though...

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I think in 79-80, the quad-light grille was optional or only part of the Adventurer SE package. 78 grille might fit the 79 core support, just remember the 79's had the park lights in the filler panel below the grille. Headlight spacing MIGHT be slightly different between the 77-78 and 79-80 core supports. Next to the quadlight, the 77-78 are my favourite! Here's my recently retired 77 W200.

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Jd340 is right. the two round headlights came on lower optioned trucks and the four rectangular lights came on high option package trucks. that is why you will see 1979 Lil Reds with four lights and some 1979 Warlocks with only two. but as far as swapping on a 1978 grill on your 1979, the core supports are different. a round light '79 has sheet metal stands that hold the light buckets. put a '78 grill on and the headlights will stick out too far. :shock:
Sounds like the making of a personalized plate...BUG I 79! LOL!
Yeah, the guy from Ohio boned me. He advertised the truck for sale for months, then after I called Kurt, arranged transport, the seller ignores my phone calls and finally sends me an e-mail saying he decided he wants to keep it. Please get me some info on the one from Northumberland. I'll call the guy today if you can get me a phone number. GTGrinly, you must be my guardian angel or something.