8 1/4" end play suddenly increased?



Green Bearing thread connoisseur
May 24, 2009
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So the other day I'm driving the Dakota (pretend it's a Dart if you need to. Or a Scamp. Whatev.) the other day, and I hear something rubbing a rear tire at vehicle speed. Sounds like passenger side.

I stop, get out and look, and nothing on any tire.

Keep driving, and it's back.

Especially after going around corners. Noise does not seem to switch sides but since I'm on one side of the truck, it's hard to tell. It comes and goes.

Get home, and look REALLY close....nothing doing. It's WIDE open.

Grab the top of the wheel and shove in and out, in line with axle. Clunk clunk clunk. Sounds like brake drum hitting backing plate. Go to the other side and repeat: Same result. The end play seems noticeable.

I'm going to try to pull the cover in the next couple days, but I'm wondering if this is normal (after I've put 20K on the truck and known the truck via previous owner for years, this is new) or if there's something that can cause this?
I'm not a rear-end guy (insert jokes here) but I understand the basics and I'm wondering if I'm about to experience a c-clip failure or if whatever controls the end-play on this axle is ground into fine powder in there. Maybe the pin came loose and the "thing" fell out? I get no bearing noise and the gears aren't howling any more than they already did. I drive the truck regularly enough that I doubt it's rust build up or any such. It's usually driven moderately hard when I do drive it.

It's a '93 Dak Sport 2wd, 8 1/4" with 3.55's and a Sure Grip. Truck has 220K miles, but I think previous owner went through the rear when he put the sure grip in, and that was a LONG time ago. Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated.
They do move in and out some. If the C clip failed, the axle would slide out while you were driving. But until you pull the rear cover you won't know what if anything is wrong with it.