$800 a year... LOL



A-Bodies Rule!
Mar 10, 2009
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San Antonio TX
Man walking into bedroom sees wife packing a suitcase.
He asks, "Where are you going?"
She replies, "I'm going to New York, I've heard prostitutes get $400 a time for what I do for free."
The man starts packing a suitcase.
Wife asks, "Where are you going?"
He replies, "I'm coming to just to see how you are going to live on $800 a year."
Just ask any married guy. My brother saw a cartoon once that showed a couple at the altar who'd just been married.

The man was thinking "Now I can have sex any time I want!"

The woman was thinking "Now I'll never have to have sex again!"
I hope my wife don't see this thread, I am in over my head :downtown:
How do you make a woman criticize every flaw you have? Put a ring on her finger.
I have always heard how do you paralyze a woman from the waist down?
marry her
My friend that is married was talking about his wife not giving it up. He said "I figured that it would slow down but not come to a complete stop!"

He said "If she don't start pretty soon that he's going to find one that will!"
When the man says "I do", the woman is thinking, "only when I say you will".

I don't speak from experience though, it's hard to have experience if you have never, oh forget it, I'm getting in deep crap here. LOL

When the man says "I do", the woman is thinking, "only when I say you will".

I don't speak from experience though, it's hard to have experience if you have never, oh forget it, I'm getting in deep crap here. LOL

I here ya Jack, The sooner this funny thread disappears the better:toothy10: