830 cfm on a 340..



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria B.C. Canada
I had picked a a double pump carb at a swap meet last year, for less than a $100, and tossed it on a pile of holleys for future use. I was really surprised to find it was an 830 cfm (80509).

As an experiment, I soaked it, kitted it, downsized jets, and front squirter, then stuck it on my son's 340, that was running a well tuned 780.

When he came home from work, I suggested he take his car for a drive.

He came back with a big **** faced grin, asking what I had done.

Looks like I won't be getting that carb back any time soon.. lol

I gotta admit it wasn't really the response I had expected, and was pleasantly surprised.

Yeah, I know a few will say it'll lack crispness across the crosswalk, that's why I downsized the squirter.. and my son doesn't care who beats him across the crosswalk, as long as he's ahead at the finish line. lol

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when you can feel it by the "seat of your pants", that's what I called fun progression
if you switch from a 780 vs to a double pumper...it should have a good butt dyno effect...
If the engine is built up enough for it.....
People love to justify using a too small of a carb with that formula that is out there. Same with the notion that VS carbs work better on auto cars which is more BS...

It's all in the tuning! Nice going on the carb. :)