


FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Our condolences and prayers to the innocent souls and brave men and women who died on this awful day.
Watching the rebroadcast on Fox, brings back tears and goosebumps.
Every year at work, we lower the flag to half-staff at sunrise. Then we don our dress blues and gather at the flagpole at 0659 western time (0959 eastern time is when the first tower fell), and the entire fire department is alerted over the radio to observe a moment of silence in honor of the 343 firefighters, 71 police officers, and almost 3,000 civilians who perished. A very somber day.
Like the previous generations "JFK" moment, everyone remembers where they were the morning of 9/11/01.
I was at our regional headquarters and my mom actually scooped everyone at work by calling me.

I changed the channel in the reception area from CCTV to the news.

I was they guy going room to room telling everyone they should probably get to a TV.
I was driving my Honda Civic to the dealer for a warranty repair. Stalled in the middle of the intersection making a u-turn. Had to complete the u-turn pushing the car in flip flops with three lanes of oncoming traffic just staring at me. Nobody helped.

What's interesting is how our society changed in the days after 9/11. Had I stalled in the intersection on 9/12, I'd bet 10 people would've jumped out to help. Sometimes tragedies bring out the good in people.
Drove past one of our fire stations here in Toronto, Ontario yesterday and noticed the flag was at half mast.