A-Bodies...Big Motors / New Hemi Duster - FINAL ASSEMBLY

Summit Racing in Tallmadge, Ohio will be hosting there annual Mopar only car show( no Ford's, schwin's or dirt bikes) on June 17th..

I was throwing this out there since you mentioned about coming over for it.....I think Akron needs to see the Hemi Duster.
I think they need to see the Hemi 68 Dart..... oops.... day dreaming at the P/C again

HAHAHAHAHAHA........We can leave tracks on the lot again ;-)

OHH, you wouldn't be talking about this one, would you? Actually I miss that car, like you miss the Duster :prayer:
But 700+ hp onthe street was a little bit much.


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Off to Mecum in Indy, if your bored and want to come over we'll be there till Saturday A.M...reservations at Ruth Chris Steakhouse for Friday evening, we can always a few spots. Just sayin'
sway bar shipped yesterday....whoooo-hooo

so, you will be there Friday?....all day?...till Steak time anyways?
sway bar shipped yesterday....whoooo-hooo

so, you will be there Friday?....all day?...till Steak time anyways?

All day Thursday and Friday staying downtown within walking distance from all the fun stuff!!!!!! Bringing a bottle of Military special Rum along .....just sayin'
some of you guys are in Findlay, right?? did you know about the Hemmings Race Around The Great Lakes that has an overnight stop in Findlay on 6/30-7/1?? sounds like some fun for you guys..........http://www.greatrace.com :burnout:
The custom built rear Cragers have finally arrived.


While Denny dink's with his A/C, Scruffs and I take inventory
of outgoing shipments.


Scruffs supervises the precise placement of his blanket on Denny's hood before he will consider doing any work.


After counting all of the outgoing K-Frames Scruffs decides that, no big deal. Tommorrow's another day.


finally putting my heater and a/c box back in after a re-build (the old heater core leaked) and after getting everything buttoned back up and attaching the heater hoses, I noticed the 1/2" nipple wiggled...uh-oh! ...so back out it came....looks like the NEW heater core is NFG

such is the FUN of these old cars

the Cragars have a custom back spacing...which Cragar does at no extra charge...all you gotta do is ask!