A body 4 speed shifter hump?



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2023
Reaction score
Cypress, Tx
Hi, Dne' here;) The pic is from a while ago, I've since had the body sandblasted and sits in primer with some body work done. I am installing an A833 4 speed transmission and strongly curious as to where to buy, fabricate a shifter hump? I'd like to get on that now as I'm ready for it. I found one for a '67-74 A body as in the Ebay link below~ but need a little advice here;)

There is a Parts Wanted thread here: [WANTED] - need a shifter hump for my '63 Dodge dart

dart seats.jpg
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I have one still in a 69 dart that I would sell. I can post a picture if you're interested. As far as the one shown , it looks good but I'm not familiar with that product line. AMD also makes em. Back in the day we would just cover up the hole with a Hurst super boot. This wasn't concours correct but got the job done. Plus had no $$ back then. Now that I think about it still got no $$$.
Hi, I'm definitely interested and a picture would be great;) So, the existing hump in your 69 dart would work? thanks

I have one still in a 69 dart that I would sell. I can post a picture if you're interested. As far as the one shown , it looks good but I'm not familiar with that product line. AMD also makes em. Back in the day we would just cover up the hole with a Hurst super boot. This wasn't concours correct but got the job done. Plus had no $$ back then. Now that I think about it still got no $$$.
I believe it would. What year and model are converting to 4spd ?? Hard to tell from the one picture. I'm guessing a 68 valiant sedan ??
Hi, Dne' here;) The pic is from a while ago, I've since had the body sandblasted and sits in primer with some body work done. I am installing an A833 4 speed transmission and strongly curious as to where to buy, fabricate a shifter hump? I'd like to get on that now as I'm ready for it. I found one for a '67-74 A body as in the Ebay link below~ but need a little advice here;)

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THat shifter hump listed won't work in a 63. No one repops those as far as I know. You will need a used one from a member here. As far a asking for parts to buy, new or used, you should have started a Parts wanted thread in the Marketplace forums.
Uh oh ! Looks like we're in trouble all ready. Anyway this is what I have and I don't think it's correct for your early A body. Maybe others can help with clarification.


Brewers wrote back, pretty quickl I might add, they only would carry the fiberglass hump, but's not available at this time. I don't know if I'd like the fiberglass, I'd rather weld it into place for added strength.

"Fiberglass floor tunnel fits 1963-66 A-body cars, oval boot opening, uses shift boot SB764 with stock round handle, or SB764R with rectangular handle."

The picture is just from their ad;)

fiberglass hump.jpg
Brewers wrote back, pretty quickl I might add, they only would carry the fiberglass hump, but's not available at this time. I don't know if I'd like the fiberglass, I'd rather weld it into place for added strength.

"Fiberglass floor tunnel fits 1963-66 A-body cars, oval boot opening, uses shift boot SB764 with stock round handle, or SB764R with rectangular handle."

The picture is just from their ad;)

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That fiberglass hump is sturdier than you think. There are bonding agents on the market that will bond it so good, it will never come out.
Thanks, I put my email to Brewers when it may return in stock~ your comment gave me some hope for this item;)

That fiberglass hump is sturdier than you think. There are bonding agents on the market that will bond it so good, it will never come out.
Thanks, I put my email to Brewers when it may return in stock~ your comment gave me some hope for this item;)
Consider this. That's how body shops are attaching new exterior panels now. Bonding them on. I know. It sounds crazy, but it works. lol
That fiberglass hump is sturdier than you think. There are bonding agents on the market that will bond it so good, it will never come out.
can confirm. have the 'glass hump in current project and have had one in two others. it's le beouf.

i'll echo what other have said above in that the pre 67 stuff is different. however, with your metal working skills i don't doubt that you could start with a 67+ hump or stab in part and fab out the rest. but that's a buncha work for something that is somewhat easy to track down.
I have a partial tunnel with the correct opening somewhere. Ill get back to you Monday. I have to rummage thru my barn to see if I still have it. If you need anything else let me know before I go in there. I have some early A 4 gear stuff.
Best Regards,
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You can make a later 67+ hump work.

You might need to trim and it won't be 100% correct but it will work.

I had one in my 63 valiant before I found an original early A one, so I know it will work.

Don't know how "correct" you want your car but if you want cheap, available, and functional, the 67 and up unit can be made to work.
Thank you;) I don't think there's anything "cheap" lol maybe, less expensive? ;)

You can make a later 67+ hump work.

You might need to trim and it won't be 100% correct but it will work.

I had one in my 63 valiant before I found an original early A one, so I know it will work.

Don't know how "correct" you want your car but if you want cheap, available, and functional, the 67 and up unit can be made to work.