A-Body Security Systems?



New Member
Apr 3, 2009
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Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum and thought this would be a good place to ask a semi-pressing question about my 68 barracuda.
I had originally bought the car when I was 16 (1999) because it was cheap and after seeing it once, I couldn't really be interested in anything else.
I used it for a couple years to get me through highschool and some of university. It has been all over Canada, but I parked it at my parent's place in Winnipeg, MB for the last 5 years because of some movin' and shakin' I've been doing the last while. I finally settled in Denver (love it here) and am thinking of driving up, dropping off my current car in exchange for the Barracuda.
My concern is, I am going to be living in the downtown area soon, and more than likely will have street parking. I am semi-worried about break- ins, but more so about theft of the entire car! I haven't had to worry about my current car as there is an imobilzer and alarm system. The Barracuda has no alarm, no imobilizer, and no security on the hood.
How easily could my car be stolen?
Also, does anybody have any suggestions for car security on this beast? (ie. bolting hood closed, alarm, immobilizer)
If anyone is in a similiar situation, or has a "pro" tip for me that would be awesome. Thanks.
I am really looking forward to this car being down here as I finally may have the cash and time to fix this one up.
Welcome, alternatefox, I hope you like this site. You raise a very good question about security systems. I have thought of eventually installing one on my '68 'Cuda when I get it on the road. I am sure some members will chime in on this subject.

There are a number of members in Colorado. You might try to hook up with them this car season.
I would be more worried about damage. I couldn't leave mine parked on the side of the street. Maybe I need counceling. Scratchaphobia ? LOL
These cars are far too easy to steal. There probably is a aftermarket hi tech security system available at some price.
To attach a wheel under the front with locked chain around the strut rods is very old school. So easy a caveman could do it :)
Good luck
On my 1970 Duster I face a similar problem of securing the vehicle because my garage is not large enough to hold it. I have talked to several car alarm companies. What I am going to do is put in a GPS-type system as well as an alarm. However, in my case since the car is totally gutted it will not be as difficult to install such a system. The alarm company wants to hide the system with a back up battery as well as the GPS locator. I have been quoted a price of around $1000.00 for that system. Then I can put the interior back in. Another option is the Alpha parking boot. They have been listed on e-bay at times. So these are a few suggestions for you to toss around.

I don't park my cuda out of eye sight most of the time and the seldom times I do I don't stay in the store very long. Best thing is to have good insurance that covers in case of theft of the entire car. Those GPS systems work! I have a police scanner and they do catch those guys if they stick around the vehicle but sometimes they ditch the ride before the police can make a arrest. But either the way the owner gets his vehicle back... it's a trip to listen to them apprehend the suspect.

Here's my cuda's security system!

Downtown Denver, huh. These cars are real easy to steal, but the chances of someone just plowing into it coming home from the clubs are very high. That car is going to attract attention too.

Your best bet is to find a garage to rent nearby, but in the meantime you can take a piece of vacuum hose and put two boots on it and substitute it for your coil wire. That still won't stop anyone from bashing in your windows or just towing it away though...

I'm 2-3 mi west of downtown and in a period of 5 months I had someone slam into the back of my DD and total it. Then someone busted out the vent window of my replacement DD and the alarm went off when they went to open the door. Chased them off and they didn't get the jeep, but I was still left with a busted window. Both these DD's have a retail of only about $1K.

My neighbor parks his 300C on his front lawn next to his bedroom window. The cops won't give him a ticket because they know the situation here (thank goodness).

I say leave the cuda up north until you can get a garage. All my stuff is garaged now.

Edit: Welcome to Denver! I hope I didn't scare you off, lol. :) Colorado really is a great place to live.
i was thinking of wiring a kill switch in the steering column harness. had one in my v.w. hidden in a small hole in the dash.. had to stick my finger in an inch or so and push it while i turned the car over. it would not start otherwise. not sure what wire to connect to, or whether it would help at all, but it might be worth a shot. and the switches are cheap too. they do also have the alarms for $200 or so with a keychain screen. its hooked to your door switches, and your keychain alarm goes off when the door is open. you could also wire a similiar switch for the trunk and hood if your really concerned
As far as someone driving off with it... taking the rotor out of the distibutor if its going to be parked for an extended period of time might help with that... thats what we do when we go on vacation...
we also put it on jackstands and take the rear wheels and tires off... but not really an option if you wanan drive it every day :p

As for preventing someone from towing it away... someone else can help ya there...
as far as towing it away, id say get one of those train horns and hook it to your alarm. make it REALLY SENSITIVE so if anyone tries to F with it, everyone in the neighbohood will know:toothy10::toothy10:. chances are someone would have called the cops also :cheers:
The only system I've run across that doesn't mess up the electrical system or have false alerts is LoJack. I have no idea of what it costs.

Wrecker supply places have boots like the police use. I'd figure that should be a sufficient deterent for thieves. Also a decent sobriety test for you (jk).

The sway the coil wire out that someone suggested is slick. Since no screws are involved, taking the rotor out of the dizzy would accomplish the same thing.
i think the lojack/GPS options are the way to go. also put a sign or sticker in the window to let thieves know the car is protected. i'm sure that nowadays with all the high-tech cell phones and stuff, there is probably some kind of system that triggers an automatic call to police if the car is broken into or stolen.
the thing i would be most worried about is people breaking the glass. its getting hard to find replacement glass for classic cars nowadays. don't leave anything that looks even remotely valuable in sight inside the car.
insurance is gonna be your best friend. get it insured for a high value so if it does get stolen or totaled you will at least get enough money to get started on another one.
if you can park it in sight of your residence, get a webcam and recording software and monitor the street. that way if someone crashes into it our tries to steal it you have it on video.
just some thoughts.
Thanks for all the tips... I'll take them all into consideration.
hmm.. this car is going to be my daily driver, so I think I will leave all the tires on. I have thought about the hit and run aspect, but I am going to rely on some good karma I've been banking for the last little while.
The GPS system would be awesome! It seems like the slickest and best way to quickly get the car back. Insurance of course. And I'll look into this LoJack system. I really like the hidden kill switch idea!!! I'll see about putting one of them in, there are so many places to hide it under the dash.
I'll probably go with the killswitch/sticker/and good ol' fashion club for now, until I get some cash to beef it up a bit more.
As for the 9mm, I'll have to run that one by my girlfriend...
Thanks guys!
Welcome to FABO! Got any pics of your Cuda?

Hopefully this works!


<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/3cAoluRP3YgOfetq_pKEGA?authkey=Gv1sRgCPqqj6GzjPr6zAE&feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_QcTjqtEJ_y4/SPwIPG506xI/AAAAAAAAGZQ/jo5S7wmPXwM/s400/Pickies%20form%20dads%20camera%20005.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/jordan.m.fox/200605OldPhotos?authkey=Gv1sRgCPqqj6GzjPr6zAE&feat=embedwebsite">2006-05 Old photos</a></td></tr></table>
If the car will be in view from your windows, X10 makes a cheap wireless camera that you can hook up to a VCR to tape the car either overnight or during the daytime. The B/W camera is better at night but can be grainy depending on the lighting. I used to use one to tape what happened outside my house while I was gone to watch my wonderful neighbors. They knew it was there but didn't stop them from nearly hitting my car in the driveway when they turned around in it. Cameras have audio too. There are many wireless cameras that can see in the dark and can be recorded to VCR. I also think Summit sells a GPS tracking system for around $300 to track the car in real time.
I would do a kill switch and buy a nice club I have had 2 dd darts I would also looking at installing an interior hood release one from a mid 70's dart should work you could also permenantly fix the front quarter glass in place I used an allen key to pop the door on my 4 door once (bought the car and locked it before figuring out the guy changed the ignition and didn't give me the door keys) I say if I can't enjoy my car why have it so I will take it anywhere and have had it hit once but no damage.
Thanks for all the tips... I'll take them all into consideration.
hmm.. this car is going to be my daily driver, so I think I will leave all the tires on. I have thought about the hit and run aspect, but I am going to rely on some good karma I've been banking for the last little while.
The GPS system would be awesome! It seems like the slickest and best way to quickly get the car back. Insurance of course. And I'll look into this LoJack system. I really like the hidden kill switch idea!!! I'll see about putting one of them in, there are so many places to hide it under the dash.
I'll probably go with the killswitch/sticker/and good ol' fashion club for now, until I get some cash to beef it up a bit more.
As for the 9mm, I'll have to run that one by my girlfriend...
Thanks guys!

Don't forget to check about getting your concealed weapon permit which will make it legal for you to carry a weapon. I have not made it that far yet but working on it. Think about when you go to the ATM machine ouside at the bank... would you rather have a gun then or not???

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!!
hi, ive just moved, no garage so ive kicked my fence down and parked it on the lawn! its so bloody loud i dont think they could start it quietly!good luck man,loads of help on this site! had mine 5 years now,a 67 finally its a 440ci!
I'm probably going to stick a ZoomBak GPS unit in mine.

The Zoombak Universal GPS Locator can be used to keep track of items including cars, bikes, backpacks, luggage or even dogs.

You can use the web, your cell phone or our live 24/7 call center to find the device's real time location.

Set up custom safety zones such as "home" "office" or "school" and be alerted by text or email when your Zoombak leaves or enters that zone.

And it's only $150 plus $9.99 a month for the service. Cheap insurance.
I find a Pittbull is a good deterent! Especially one that tricks you into sticking yoru hand through the gate...then latches on :D
There are also some tilt alarms that will sound if the car is lifted by a tow truck or flat-bed.
Spoke too soon on LoJack false alarms. When battery in the key fob goes bad, you'll get a call.:eek:ops:

We don't need no stinking concealed handgun permit when we come out of house with gun in hand to shoot the s.o.b. messing with the ride.:rambo: