A carburetor walks into a bar…

Jan 7, 2007
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Vancouver BC
A carburetor walks into a bar, hops up on a stool, says "Gimme a beer and a shot of whiskey!", and proceeds to put a shaft, a lever, a plate, and a bimetallic spring on the bar.

The bartender says, "What is this? Some kind of choke?"
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A carburetor walks into a bar, hops up on a stool, says "Bartender! Gimme a beer and a shot of whiskey!", and proceeds to put a shaft, a lever, a plate, and a bimetallic spring on the bar.

The bartender says, "What is this? Some kind of choke?"
A carburetor walks into a bar, hops up on a stool, says "Bartender! Gimme a beer and a shot of whiskey!", and proceeds to put a shaft, a lever, a plate, and a bimetallic spring on the bar.

The bartender says, "What is this? Some kind of choke?"
Good one!
Sad thing is, a lot of younger people wouldn't get this...........
A priest, a rabbi and a nun walk into a bar.
The bartender says to them ''What is this, a joke?''
So a man is not getting a lot of s*x from his wife. So he goes to a s*x therapist and he tells him about his problem. The therapist tells him the next time you want s*x from your wife just tell her you want to use her washing machine. The man thought that this was strange but at this point he was willing to try anything.
He goes home and when they went to bed that night he looks at his wife and asks her if he can you her washing machine. His wife immediately complies and they have great s*x night after night for the next couple of weeks until one night when she was just too tired and try as he might he just didn't have any luck.
His wife started feeling guilty and later that night woke him up and told him that he could use her washing machine to which he replied,........ oh that's okay honey, it was a small load, I did it by hand.
all u guys need to get a diff. past time -------NOT FUNNY !

A guy walks into a bar and sees 2 "ROBUST" women talking with an accent. He walks over and say's ..Are you ladies from Ireland?, they snap back.. It's Wales you IDIOT! He replys Oh I'm sorry...Are you Whales from Ireland?
A priest, a minister and a rabbi are in a bar debating when life begins. The priest says life begins at conception and the minister argues that life begins when their is a heartbeat. The rabbi just sits there drinking his Temple wine. The priest and the minister are getting nowhere in their debate and finally ask the rabbi about the Jewish position on when life begins. The rabbi looks up and says,
"Life truly begins when the last child leaves the home and the dog dies."
Three ropes walk into a bar and order 3 cokes. Bartender says "we dont serve cokes to ropes"
The ropes walk out of the bar and one rope says to the other ropes "tie me in a knot and fray my ends"
Rope walks back into the bar and orders 3 cokes. Bartenders says " aren't you a rope?" Rope says
"frayed knot" :rolleyes:
Three ropes walk into a bar and order 3 cokes. Bartender says "we dont serve cokes to ropes"
The ropes walk out of the bar and one rope says to the other ropes "tie me in a knot and fray my ends"
Rope walks back into the bar and orders 3 cokes. Bartenders says " aren't you a rope?" Rope says
"frayed knot" :rolleyes: