A/F ratio sensors



I have escaped the EVIL Empire State!
FABO Gold Member
Jun 21, 2005
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Hey, I got one for you all. I didn't know where to put this, so here it is.

Some of you know I have a simple Edelbrock A/F gizmo. Cheap, OK for beginners to use and dial in the carb better. Not a bad thing for under a $140. But it's age is catching up with it. It has been blinking out on me. Well, I think it's upgrade time.
I would like to find something easy to use. Basic, but expandable. Not an easy task I think. Or cheap.

In looking through the jegs online (only) I came across the LM-1 and a second package that has the upgradable LM-3. Aux box.
Lm-1 Kit (p/n 540-3723)
LM-3 AuxBox (p/n 540-3742)
(Scrool to the bottom of the page to see it price wise and such)

Before I babble a second longer, can this system (One or both) handle 2 seprate 02 sensors? Measure left and right sides of the engine?

It's a bit spendy for myself. But there doesn't seem to be an inbetween. Closest I noticed was the XD-16 stand alone gauge which I thought was preety cool. http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10002_760650_-1_10625, Also from inovative. But a purchase of 2 units would be more money than the LM-1 / AuxBox Kit.

Is this kit easy to use? OR should I get a Novell cert.?

Thats enuff for this posting now. I'm actually chok full of them.
Hey man, If I were you I'd get the NGK AFX wideband. I have one in my SRT-4 and I love it. The display is nice and clear and it supposed to have like the best o2 sensor available.

*EDIT* Plus you can calibrate this gauge, so that is a really nice option.
Thanks. That's a hundred cheaper. I'll have to read up on it.