A Letter From Hell

There's not a single thing I wrote that's cobbled together out of context.....they are what they are, and they are simply facts. Nothing more, nothing less. Rhetoric will not change the facts.

Any person who desires to know the facts on any given subject, be it Mopars or evolution, can very easily research it for himself, and prove what's true and what is not. That some will not, cannot be changed by my continued encouragement to do so. If they want to build a lousy car, that's their business. If they want to build a lousy future, the same applies.

By the way............................. Tag :toothy8:
Only problem the Millertites had was actually setting a date in that future. But we don't go there anymore, now do we?
Just these 3 little points have so frustrated evolutionists that there is an exodus in progress among many of the greats of the theory.

(Thanks be to Him)

yet there are many more that frustrate the religous zealots that are too stuborn to open their eyes. when we cant find answers we study and research until we find the answer. When creationists cant find the answer they say god did it. For along time people believed that droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, ect. were the wrath of god or gods because people couldnt explain them, now we know that these things are caused by weather patterns, geological effects, ect. the same thing applies with many christian (and other religions) ideas. You just need to wait till the answers come or are discovered. they are out there
As it goes, I'm taken out of context again.......my remark quoted above was clearly stated in sarcasm......be that as it may.

Touching on the previous statement that one would not listen to facts that were cobbled together and taken out of context,.....If I say that a 1970 340 was internally balanced, then state that my friends '78 slant six says "super six" on the air cleaner, I simply state facts. You can research it for yourself, and find the truth...or you can disregard the facts based upon your previous refusal to consider them. I think most would agree that the latter would be pretty silly. If these 2 facts had bearing on an important subject being discussed, they should be dealt with. A fact is a fact, and you can't change them by double talk, rhetorical arguments, or wishful thinking.....quoting Dickens, "That they are what they are, do not blame me".

We also cannot judge Christianity based upon certain individuals or past errors. Scientific "facts" change every day, due to your truthful statement about research and study....but, then you group all Christians together in one lump and condemn them to a supposed stupidity by your inference that all they do is say "God did it" when they find something they don't understand. (honestly.... metaphorically, that sounds like a Chevy guy peeing on a Mopar....)..... I think you should research the majority of the major scientific discoveries of the past 100 years.....you'll find that nearly every major breakthrough in the modern sciences was attributed to a Christian and Creationist. This was due to their search for the inner workings and mysteries of Creation around them..... and not one of them that I'm aware of ever renounced Christ as a result of their great discoveries. Don't just snap back with empty words now....study it for yourself, and prove me wrong if that's what you believe I am.

As far as God is concerned, I've never judged by what I've SEEN.......if I did that, I might end up as bitter as many who deny Him.......lets face it, the world is a very perilous place. I judge on what I KNOW of Him Who saved me, and Who dwells IN me. Until you've experienced what I and billions of others have through Faith, you'll won't come to understand it. I observe with my eyes, and see with my heart..and I study to show myself approved......I don't deal in half truths or conjecture......if you say that you've found the missing link, I want to see it.......if you state something about isotopes, I'll research it if it's relevent........I hope that you do the same..........but most of what I've heard here has been "bashing" when a fact is presented.... dredging up past errors of history or condemning entire groups of people.......not a single fact stated has been dealt with.......I guess until the facts presented are considered and dealt with (which, if you're correct, should be very easy for you to refute scientifically), I'll have to move along to my other business at hand.

I'll stand on what's been proven relative to evolution....not what's been theorized.

Facts Jack............ Just the facts. :glasses8:
Odd how Pastortom's facts take three or more paragraphs to explain so we can understand it.
.....and again, a well educated response from the Ace.

Not my facts Ace........ The facts of science........ain't that funny.

The only thing I see funny is you proselytizing on this car forum. :toothy8:

Then leaning into a personal attack on me when it's not going well. Way to go. =D>
I didn't attack you Ace.......you ridiculed my threads, and I responded according to the nature of your comments.

.......and I haven't been trying to convert anyone....I have been sticking to the running conversations, in context. Stating my belief system is the same thing others have done here. That's what we've been talking about....correct?

Is there a problem with that? ......or are some viewpoints allowed here, and others not?

If you have something constructive to add to the conversation feel free to do so without complaining about how a thread is written......you slung some meaningless mud, and I defended myself........and I'd stand next to you at any point and defend your right to say what you did, even if it rubbed me the wrong way.

Just the facts. :glasses8:
OK, I can see how you might take it that way, sorry. Thought I was being objective.
TTI's ?????? DON'T get me going...............

The dang un-rustable things rusted at the head.........(that's a fact too)........sometimes Ya' pays tousands and tousands, and ya' reap da' heap.

Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die to get there.

Guess no one liked the choice of music lyrics in my previous post.
Sorry, Ozzie.

What about this then.

Are you preaching micro or macroevolution?
That’s what I was afraid of.
All those believing in “beneficial mutations” raise their hand.
And then go stand in front of a microwave.

That which is impossible became “scientific theory” because the only alternative is unthinkable.

It has been pointed out that man is universally theotropic.
And if there is a plug , logically there is a socket in which to plug it.

7 But as all these things
came to pass, the Spirit that did
cause man to create his God
lived on within all men:

8 And man saw it not.

9 But for Christ's sake he'd
better start looking.
Wow! Praise God the allmighty in the heavens who's sprisirt dwells all around us and within us who lets him in! Im happy theres followers of Jesus Christ our lord...our bridge to God.

It is interesting...how those who belive in nothing but eolution...still...think like chimps...with all due respects hehe for those who who have taken the deciving belief that evolution was the creation of the human being...here is something to think about...something simple yet powerfull...as creations of "evolution" if you guys believe your right then right and wrong should not be considered...nor laws be considered...nor moral b considered...what for? we have no all powerfull creator who will dicipline us to do so...why would we consider all this rules based on right from wrong if due to evolution...we are more animals than intelectual human beings...lets all just forget about the good moral for we are like monkeys and should enjoy the pleasures of the world...

you see how simple...animals can kill eachotherand do not feel bad concious nor guilt...we cannot kill wihout feeling we are doing wrong...why? countious good from wrongs kicks in...and we as inteligent individuals do not get that from evolution...we get it from having a soul...our uncouncious side...and those who belive in the words of God and is born again through believing.in jesus christ the incarnation of God in sprirt...then Gods spirit will dwell in you and in all who believe for that is what was establish after christs resurection...he left the spirit to work in us and around us...

see animals don't have souls nor the spirit of god...they were not created to be in the perfect image of God...in spirit that is...but we were...but we were pulled away from the eternal glory of God because of the reblion of lucifer..the fallen angel who wanted to be like the all highest...the allmighty Jahova...

in general there is no one who hasn't known what good and bad is...yes there are thos e in the past and in the present who have been in the middle...those who have never herd the name of God and Jesus Christ...but God is the all just and fair God and he will judge us by what we have known and done to our knowledge...and for those who have herd the good news from him and decides to be ignorant and follow the world who is now and from the fall of men has always been a pagan world..then God will judge you by your decicion and works.

I have tasted a few of the pleasures that have and are born from the pagan world in which lucifer dwells in...our world...and I know it is hard to let go...but I surely surely know the unkown of our world the occult that will one day in the end times we are living in...will open out in full to everyone...and all will see the decivness they have taken...most of what you see in your televisions...radios...images...they are all mrely the greatest tool of lucifer to bring us farther from God....no not all things of this world....but most...and if the ignorant opens their eyes which are blinded by the worlds dark society...then it might just be...before its too late that your understandings will brighten up...and you WILL know surely that evil excists thefore good also excists and good is God the creator and the fallen the bad...is lucifer.

It is not neccesary to know these things to have faith and follow God...but they will strengthen your faith so much...to the point you will know that you wouldn't want to die in the pleasures of a society so pagan...and would rather die for the promises that God gave us through Jesus Christ.

Open your eyes...look around the world...where we live...research our country...start by figuring out why such phenominal symbols our country has...look at the dollars...I assure you our symbols that are in front of our eyes are the key to awarness that the fathers of this country and other countries were indeed the foundation of a new plan...a plan they knew for so long now...a new world order that inddeed revelations speaks about in the bible...and that just strengthens my faith in God for his prophesies are easy to understand if you open your mind and researcthe dark side of the world...just don't get too into it for it is only to make you a better soldier of God....911 also fits the worlds plan for union...its all prophesies of God...the 10 horns of the dragon with the woman riding the dragon are the 10 united nations under the beast and the beasts false prohpet...if you study the pal of this occult world which is out there in the internet you will see how they have setup thus process for unity for so long...

Jesus said...blessed are those who have ears and listens...blessed are those who have eyes and sees...blessed are the meek and those who die in spirit and are reborn with Gods spirit for they will inherrit the spirit of God....the kingdom of God...and will be placed highest above all.

I prefer that promise than the promise of this world which is pleasure and death...perioid.
Now you guys are gettin' "literal" on me. Dangit.

Must ...resist ...temptation ..to continue ...posting.....

These discussions generally don’t change any minds.
I’m not saying they don’t serve a purpose.
But if people wanted a sermon they would go to church.
A person convinced against his will, will hold to his convictions still.
A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
While IT is not all “literal” IT is all true.

thanson that may have been a little more then extreme to compare god to hitler.

Personally guys. I get annoyed by videos like that one.

My personal beliefs are I believe in god and jesus but I will not attend church to show my beliefs because personally I don't think I have to attend a building every sunday with other people and pay to worship(as far as I'm concerned the plate that is passed around might as well be an fee to attend(when I was young I gave a dime to the collection plate but slowly it became If I gave less then 5 dollars I got dirty looks) I stopped going when I was 8 and am 18 now(19 in december) I have christian friends, I have atheist friends, I even have a jw for a friend. I think it's just easier not to force my beliefs on people. I will discuss the topic with my friends when it comes up but I'm not going around telling people how jesus and god are everything I find it annoying enough when mormon's or jw's come to the door. My best friend is an extreme christian. He spends his spare time at church and is planning on becoming a young minister. If more were like him maybe I wouldn't be so annoyed with religious people he doesn't force his views on me he understands I will pray to god on my own.
How do you now there is a god or hell ???? have any of you seen it or been there? How can there be a god and so many people suffer in this world ?? Look at the middle east where jesus came from still fighting.
Hitler never gave us anything but misery and unburied death. The evil of the world is not God's doing, by the way.it's a result of sin and rebellion, according to Scripture.

If the Scriptures are correct (and YOU have to decide), Christ gave His very life to save you......

Will a world court let you go free when you break the law?....How about the 3 strike rule? How many strikes do you suppose we're guilty of (Scripturally, that is) ? We're all guilty of the blood of Christ, due to our lack of keeping the law and righteousness.......So, and again, according the the Scriptures, we're guilty, condemned, and need help.

He came to give that help in the form of a pardon, paying the penalty Himself. Not bad. But, if you can't accept the Good News of the Scriptures, you have to take your chances.......Scripturally speaking, that is.

See ya'......................... :glasses8:
First of all, I am not of closed mind as implied by some. Instead I am of open mind, in fact I consider myself to be open to everything. Unfortunately, I am simply one who must disassemble to understand. You name the item, I've probably taken one apart, studied it, learned about it, then attempted to put it all together. What I know of mechanical and electrical systems is not just what I have been taught, but what I have observed, although I love to be taught (hence me being on this forum).

When I was a young lad, and going to school, one topic that interested me was the theory of plate tectonics. This is the theory that the earth's crust is not one solid piece, but instead is comprised of separate plates that move independent of each other. The theory was that the movement of these plates were responsible for the volcanoes, and the earthquakes, and the mountain ranges, and the ability for animals and humans to traverse the world. Imagine my surprise when ten years later, reading my youngest brothers textbook, that this was now considered factual. Now, of course, with satellites, measurement of the movement is documented.

The geologic column was a theory of early geologists that the layers of various sediment deposits could define the age of the material, by their location in the strata layers. It also was a belief that this layer, which took millions of years to occur, could define the age of various fossils, based on the layer that they were found in. In the early 80's creationists used the recent (at the time) fact that because this theoretical model was not accurate (from analysis by geologists) to call into question the evolution of the earth. They argues that areas that did not conform to the model instead "proved" that the timelines geologists previously assumed was flawed, and therefore extrapolated that to fit with their "young earth" theory. Currently, geologists and biologists use various types of "measurements" to date both organic and non-organic materials. Whether it is Carbon-14 or electron spin resonance (for organic) or Isotope dating (using measurable radioactive decay properties) on non-organic material, the concept of the geological column is not a currently accepted model. However, the current methods of measurement "do" support the "old earth" model.

Polystrate fossils are simply fossils (best known examples are trees), that extend through various layers of sediment. To assume that all layers of sediment occurred equally in depth at all locations around this planet is absurd. Even looking at events that occur today, with volcanic activity, flooding, and earthquakes, the face of the planet, and the deposits of material on it are in a constant state of evolution. One hundred feet of trees that existed along the shores of Lake Winnipeg (and the corresponding clams, crayfish and rotting fish) are now somewhere in the strata of the lakebed due to high water levels 40 years ago. I'm sure if you compared the depth of them to the "average strata deposit per year", they would measure as having been there for a few thousand years.

"Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species. Sometimes a symbiotic relationship benefits both species, sometimes one species benefits at the other's expense, and in other cases neither species benefits.

Ecologists use a different term for each type of symbiotic relationship:

Mutualism -- both species benefit
Commensalism -- one species benefits, the other is unaffected
Parasitism -- one species benefits, the other is harmed
Competition -- neither species benefits
Neutralism -- both species are unaffected"


How one can stretch a symbiotic relationship to say it cannot evolve is unbelievable. Symbiosis is a perfect example for evolution. If one species finds an advantage in being in proximity to the other - whether for food or protection, and by being in proximity to that species it increases their chance and/or ease of survival, it is natural for it to occur. We all tend to gravitate to that which makes life easier. I use cats to kill mice, because they are better at it. The cat comes home because I feed it. In the wild, some relationships are much more specific of course, but why would my kids search out another animal by trying them all to catch the mice, when the cat is living in the house? Or forage in the woods for food, when the refrigerator is in the kitchen? I did not invent the computer, or the language I am using, yet my world today is more complex in nature than that of my parents, and the same for them to their parents.

Intelligent design routinely uses the watchmaker analogy to illustrate that a complex design must come from a more intelligent creator. First off, if this analogy is taken to it's word, then the ultimate creator, obviously more complex than us, must have have been precluded by one even more intelligent and complex.

Secondly, the watch design is the accumulation of complex inventions and processes. First the ability to create fire, then to find metals in minerals, then to smelt these out; the understanding of fulcrums, gears, gear reduction, the process of manufacturing the parts, the process of organizing and assembling these parts, the understanding of time. These were not the invention of one individual, but the culmination of knowledge and pratices over a long period of time. All that we can do now is based on our ability to not have to learn everything we as humans have ever known. We can be taught. Without the cumulation of knowledge, the Bible stories would still be passed orally, not printed mechanically.

My dog is a herder. This did not come naturally, it was bred into him. I own no sheep, yet his herding insticts do show up periodically. Intelligent design says that such perfection and organization is impossible without a designer. Why? Molecular structures are perfect, compounds form in organized structures (all salt is the same structurally). Responses to environment shapes structure. My child had no concept of structural mechanics, or a degree in engineering, but by three knew that if she stacked her blocks in a single column as opposed to a pyramid, they were more likely to fall.

If the young earth theory is true, why do current creationist theologians profess that the creation took 2,000 years (from 6000-4000BC) when it is written that it took 7?

If the great flood is as described, then how did one man gather and keep two of each of the 1.5 million species (some taxonomists estimate the actual value to be up to 100,000,000) in a single vessel, and why and how are they so widespread around the world? How can the diversity of race and culture be explained in a mere 4,000 years? Please dont use the tower of babel story, please use science. Many cultures such as the Chines have calendars dating back over 5,000 years.
Thanks for taking the time to type that in, pointing out these things for those of us who may have conveniently overlooked a fact or two! :thumrigh: